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How to open rtsp videostream from ip cam?

asked 2013-04-11 02:04:45 -0600

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updated 2013-04-11 06:16:35 -0600

My OC AltLinux.

I want to open stream from the ip camera from rtsp. Totem in my OS open rtsp good. but

CvCapture* capture = cvCreateFileCapture("rtsp://x.x.x.x:50xx/h264/");

get the error

Using network protocols without global network initialization. Please use avformat_network_init(), this will become mandatory later.
Using network protocols without global network initialization. Please use avformat_network_init(), this will become mandatory later.
[rtsp @ 0x80b5a40] method DESCRIBE failed: 404 Stream Not Found
warning: Error opening file (/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/libopencv2.2-2.2.0/modules/highgui/src/cap_ffmpeg.cpp:457)
(DEBUG) icvOpenAVI_XINE ... start
input_bluray: (bluray_class_get_instance:1454) bluray_class_get_instance
input_bluray: (bluray_class_get_instance:1454) bluray_class_get_instance
(ERROR)icvOpenAVI_XINE(): Unable to open source 'rtsp://x.x.x.x:50xx/h264/'

version opencv 2.2.0 from repository

help me please!

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Rui Marques gravatar imageRui Marques ( 2013-04-12 04:44:32 -0600 )edit

2 answers

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answered 2013-04-11 06:48:49 -0600

OpenCV uses ffmpeg library for video I/O. Try to get video stream with console ffmpeg tool. The address must be the same.

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I came across many tutorial to integrate FFMPEG with OpenCV in android, but still no luck. Can you given me any link by following which i would be able to accomplish. I want to play sd-card videos using opencv for face recognition in that videos.

Abdul Muheet gravatar imageAbdul Muheet ( 2018-02-06 00:03:13 -0600 )edit

answered 2013-04-11 05:06:47 -0600

Some video streaming related fixes had been done since OpenCV 2.4.2. Try to update OpenCV.

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Asked: 2013-04-11 02:04:45 -0600

Seen: 18,113 times

Last updated: Apr 11 '13