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2017-02-01 00:56:40 -0600 asked a question rgb format supported in opencv cv::VideoCapture cap () for gstreamer

Hi All, i have a sample application that takes video from a custom imx6 embedded board with sensor giving UVVY format. i converted it to RGB565 using the available gstreamer module. But its giving me below error

cv::VideoCapture cap("mfw_v4lsrc device=/dev/video1 ! video/x-raw-yuv, height=480, width=640 ! mfw_ipucsc ! video/x-raw-rgb, height=480, width=640 ! appsink");

OpenCV Error: Unsupported format or combination of formats (Gstreamer Opencv backend doesn't support this codec acutally.)

cv::VideoCapture cap("mfw_v4lsrc device=/dev/video1 ! video/x-raw-yuv, height=480, width=640 ! mfw_ipucsc ! video/x-raw-rgb, height=480, width=640 ! colorspace ! appsink");

then using the color-space converter from gstreamer i was able to overcome this issue. but this color-space converter is software which loads system. I would like to know which type of rgb format is supported in opencv