rgb format supported in opencv cv::VideoCapture cap () for gstreamer [closed]

asked 2017-02-01 00:42:28 -0600

anjo gravatar image

Hi All, i have a sample application that takes video from a custom imx6 embedded board with sensor giving UVVY format. i converted it to RGB565 using the available gstreamer module. But its giving me below error

cv::VideoCapture cap("mfw_v4lsrc device=/dev/video1 ! video/x-raw-yuv, height=480, width=640 ! mfw_ipucsc ! video/x-raw-rgb, height=480, width=640 ! appsink");

OpenCV Error: Unsupported format or combination of formats (Gstreamer Opencv backend doesn't support this codec acutally.)

cv::VideoCapture cap("mfw_v4lsrc device=/dev/video1 ! video/x-raw-yuv, height=480, width=640 ! mfw_ipucsc ! video/x-raw-rgb, height=480, width=640 ! colorspace ! appsink");

then using the color-space converter from gstreamer i was able to overcome this issue. but this color-space converter is software which loads system. I would like to know which type of rgb format is supported in opencv

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Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by sturkmen
close date 2020-09-26 14:59:52.402387


It is probably your path. VideoCapture can either read from a rstp stream or from an actual file, but your filename has spaces and that breaks down processing... so basically it cannot read your file because your path is incorrect.

StevenPuttemans gravatar imageStevenPuttemans ( 2017-02-01 02:40:31 -0600 )edit