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2020-05-28 08:07:29 -0600 edited question Is there a function to average (mean) filter for a pixel?

Is there a function to average (mean) filter for a pixel? Hello everyone, I have a 640x480 pixels photo. I'm consideri

2020-05-28 08:06:30 -0600 marked best answer Is there a function to average (mean) filter for a pixel?

Hello everyone,

I have a 640x480 pixels photo.

I'm considering applying an average(mean) filter for the example (105,145) pixel.

Opencv have cv2.blur() function.

But this function applies average filter to all pixels.

I want to apply it to any pixel.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


2020-05-28 05:23:38 -0600 received badge  Citizen Patrol (source)
2020-05-28 05:03:57 -0600 commented question Is there a function to average (mean) filter for a pixel?

Sorry for not telling you. E.g. I have a 100x100 pixels photo. The pixel in the 50. row and 50. column of the photo has

2020-05-28 05:03:46 -0600 commented question Is there a function to average (mean) filter for a pixel?

Sorry for not telling you. E.g. I have a 100x100 pixels photo. The pixel in the 50. row and 50. column of the photo has

2020-05-28 05:02:30 -0600 commented question Is there a function to average (mean) filter for a pixel?

Sorry for not telling you. E.g. I have a 100x100 pixels photo. The pixel in the 50. row and 50. column of the photo has

2020-05-28 05:02:10 -0600 commented question Is there a function to average (mean) filter for a pixel?

Sorry for not telling you. E.g. I have a 100x100 pixel photo. The pixel in the 50. row and 50. column of the photo has n

2020-05-28 04:49:45 -0600 edited question Is there a function to average (mean) filter for a pixel?

Is there a function to average (mean) filter for a pixel? Hello everyone, I have a 640x480 pixels photo. I'm consideri

2020-05-28 04:39:11 -0600 asked a question Is there a function to average (mean) filter for a pixel?

Is there a function to average (mean) filter for a pixel? Hello everyone, I have a 640x480 pixels photo. I'm consideri

2020-05-21 06:36:30 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2020-05-20 03:34:02 -0600 marked best answer How to calculate the distortion coefficients from two aerial images ?

I have 50 aerial photographs and some of them are overlapping with each other.

How can I calibrate the camera using them? Or how can I find the distortion coefficients?

2020-05-20 03:18:17 -0600 edited question How to calculate the distortion coefficients from two aerial images ?

How to calculate distortion coefficients from two aeral images ? I have 50 aerial photographs and some of them are overl

2020-05-20 03:12:15 -0600 asked a question How to calculate the distortion coefficients from two aerial images ?

How to calculate distortion coefficients from two aeral images ? I have 50 aerial photographs and some of them are overl

2020-05-04 07:39:07 -0600 asked a question What are the differences between exterior&interior and extrinsic&intrinsic?

What are the differences between exterior&interior and extrinsic&intrinsic? There are concepts of exterior orien

2020-04-18 11:23:40 -0600 edited question How to split cross an image ?

How to split cross an image ? Hello everyone, I want to split an image, like this; Can you help me ? Thanks in adva

2020-04-18 11:23:24 -0600 edited question How to split cross an image ?

How to split cross a image ? Hello everyone, I want to split a image, like this; Can you help me ? Thanks in advanc

2020-04-18 11:19:55 -0600 edited answer what maximum frame rate opencv can handle

Image processing speed is related to the hardware you use, not opencv. You also need to use c++ if you want to do somet

2020-04-18 11:19:35 -0600 answered a question what maximum frame rate opencv can handle

image processing speed is related to the hardware you use, not opencv. You also need to use c++ if you want to do somet

2020-04-18 11:15:36 -0600 edited question How to split cross an image ?

How can i split cross a image ? Hello everyone, I want to split a image, like this; Can you help me ? Thanks in adv

2020-04-18 11:02:25 -0600 asked a question How to split cross an image ?

How can i split cross a image ? Hello everyone, I want to split a image, like this; Can you help me ? Thanks in adv

2020-04-17 14:36:02 -0600 commented answer How can I combine 2 photos from specific pixels?

There are transparent areas in the photos and they carry it. The characteristic of transparent regions is that they are

2020-04-17 14:22:23 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)
2020-04-17 14:22:21 -0600 marked best answer How can I combine 2 photos from specific pixels?

Hello everyone,

I have two photos.

I want to put these photos on a new plane. The corner coordinates of first photo are

[100,100], [200,100], [200,200] [100,200] (on new plane coordinates)

Corner coordinates of the second photo are

[110,110] [210,110], [210,210], [110,210]. (on new plane coordinates)

How can I do this?

E.g like this ;

Like this

2020-04-15 06:11:48 -0600 edited question How can I combine 2 photos from specific pixels?

How can I combine 2 photos from specific pixels? Hello everyone, I have two photos. I want to put these photos on a ne

2020-04-15 06:07:55 -0600 edited question How can I combine 2 photos from specific pixels?

How can I combine 2 photos from specific pixels? Hello everyone, I have two photos. I want to put these photos on a ne

2020-04-15 06:06:46 -0600 asked a question How can I combine 2 photos from specific pixels?

How can I combine 2 photos from specific pixels? Hello everyone, I have two photos. I want to put these photos on a ne

2020-04-15 04:52:19 -0600 marked best answer How can we see the non-texture surfaces on the depth map?

Can we add a artificial texture ?

What are your suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

2020-03-12 08:01:27 -0600 asked a question How can we see the non-texture surfaces on the depth map?

How can we see the non-texture surfaces on the depth map? Can we add a artificial texture ? What are your suggestions?

2020-02-27 03:54:31 -0600 commented question OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (tlsSlots.size() > slotIdx) in releaseSlot

I have a warn ; /usr/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /usr/local/lib/, may

2020-02-27 02:25:57 -0600 asked a question OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (tlsSlots.size() > slotIdx) in releaseSlot

OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (tlsSlots.size() > slotIdx) in releaseSlot Hello everyone ; I can ask a little questi

2020-02-27 02:25:54 -0600 asked a question OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (tlsSlots.size() > slotIdx) in releaseSlot

OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (tlsSlots.size() > slotIdx) in releaseSlot Hello everyone ; I can ask a little questi

2020-02-27 02:25:46 -0600 asked a question OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (tlsSlots.size() > slotIdx) in releaseSlot

OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (tlsSlots.size() > slotIdx) in releaseSlot Hello everyone ; I can ask a little questi

2020-02-27 02:25:40 -0600 asked a question OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (tlsSlots.size() > slotIdx) in releaseSlot

OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (tlsSlots.size() > slotIdx) in releaseSlot Hello everyone ; I can ask a little questi

2020-02-18 04:35:28 -0600 commented question Some packages in python 2.7 do not exist in python 3.(e.g ximgoproc, xfeatures2d)

Haha sorry, You're king.

2020-02-18 04:34:53 -0600 edited question Some packages in python 2.7 do not exist in python 3.(e.g ximgoproc, xfeatures2d)

Some packages in python 2.7 do not exist in python 3.(e.g ximgoproc, xfeatures2d) Although they have the same opencv ver

2020-02-18 04:29:14 -0600 edited question Some packages in python 2.7 do not exist in python 3.(e.g ximgoproc, xfeatures2d)

Some packages in python 2.7 do not exist in python 3.(e.g ximgoproc, xfeatures2d) Although they have the same opencv ver

2020-02-18 04:23:25 -0600 marked best answer How to implement image inpainting to disparity map?

Hello eveyone,

I want to improve my depth map.

Recommended image inpainting for this. But I don't know how to implement it.

Can you help me ?

2020-02-18 04:23:25 -0600 received badge  Scholar (source)
2020-02-18 04:22:35 -0600 edited question Some packages in python 2.7 do not exist in python 3.(e.g ximgoproc, xfeatures2d)

Some packages in python 2.7 do not exist in python 3.(e.g ximgoproc, xfeatures2d) Although they have the same opencv ver

2020-02-18 04:22:06 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)