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2019-11-10 05:46:48 -0600 commented question Understanding ArUco Pose Estimation

The camera pose respect to a marker is the 3d transformation from the marker coordinate system to the camera coordinate

2019-10-29 21:34:33 -0600 received badge  Teacher (source)
2019-10-29 05:39:14 -0600 answered a question How to get number of contours

From the documentation: C++: void findContours(InputOutputArray image, OutputArrayOfArrays contours, OutputArr

2019-10-19 06:14:41 -0600 received badge  Organizer (source)
2019-10-19 06:11:00 -0600 asked a question getFLOPS of deep neural network

getFLOPS of deep neural network the dnn:Net class has a method "getFLOPS", which is supposed to take a vector of shapes

2019-10-19 06:04:25 -0600 asked a question dnn module getPerfProfile tick output?

dnn module getPerfProfile tick output? I am trying to implement the getPerfProfile to measure the runtime of my nn. the

2019-10-19 04:55:10 -0600 edited question dnn module forward() output in intermediate layers?

dnn module forward() output in intermediate layers? Hi, im trying to get the activations from a specific layer using the

2019-10-19 04:54:46 -0600 edited question dnn module forward() output in intermediate layers?

dnn module forward() output in intermediate layers? Hi, im trying to get the activations from a specific layer using the

2019-10-19 04:54:07 -0600 asked a question dnn module forward() output in intermediate layers?

dnn module forward() output in intermediate layers? Hi, im trying to get the activations from a specific layer using the

2019-09-24 03:19:58 -0600 commented question mean subtraction on darknet

@holger normalization is a different preprocessing step. Mean Subtraction involves subtracting the mean across every ind

2019-09-24 03:09:27 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2019-09-21 11:48:03 -0600 asked a question mean subtraction on darknet

mean subtraction on darknet Does it make sense to use the mean subtraction preprocessing option in blobFromImage before

2019-09-21 11:35:40 -0600 answered a question fixed points in findHomography

I solved this issue by using a ChAruco board as recommended in the comments. By calling interpolate once some aruco mark

2019-09-12 15:08:46 -0600 commented question fixed points in findHomography

@Eduardo thanks for your reply! That would definitely be the simplest way to fix my problem! I read in the documentation

2019-09-12 15:06:23 -0600 commented question fixed points in findHomography

@swebb_denver thanks for your answer! how can i combine the aruco marker detection with the cv.findChessboardCorners met

2019-09-12 08:35:30 -0600 edited question fixed points in findHomography

fixed points in findHomography hey guys, im trying to use opencv's cv.findChessboardCorners, cv.findHomography and cv.wa

2019-09-12 07:58:19 -0600 edited question fixed points in findHomography

fixed points in findHomography hey guys, im trying to use opencv's cv.findChessboardCorners, cv.findHomography and cv.wa

2019-09-12 07:56:31 -0600 edited question fixed points in findHomography

fixed points in findHomography hey guys, im trying to use opencv's cv.findChessboardCorners, cv.findHomography and cv.wa

2019-09-12 07:55:47 -0600 asked a question fixed points in findHomography

fixed points in findHomography hey guys, im trying to use opencv's cv.findChessboardCorners, cv.findHomography and cv.wa

2019-09-10 03:35:17 -0600 commented question Panning image window programmatically

@kbarni thanks for your reply. I want to modify an existing project which uses only the openCV GUI, so sadly i can't swi

2019-09-07 06:06:09 -0600 commented question Panning image window programmatically

i dont think changing the library is a good option. I guess i will have to go with something like pyautogui and simulate

2019-09-07 05:30:48 -0600 commented question Panning image window programmatically

@sturkmen i dont quite understand your question.Yes my window looks like that,its the normal cv2.imshow(). Are you aski

2019-09-07 04:36:57 -0600 commented question Panning image window programmatically

@LBerger read the question properly please. as explicitly stated, handling the mouse event is not the issue here

2019-09-07 03:23:24 -0600 asked a question Panning image window programmatically

Panning image window programmatically Hey everyone, im trying to pan my image (after zooming in) using the RB event ins