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2021-05-05 06:59:56 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2020-11-04 12:34:05 -0600 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2020-05-15 02:19:42 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2019-09-07 11:39:44 -0600 edited question How does stereo SGBM algorithm really work inside ?

How does stereo SGBM algorithm really work inside ? Hello everyone, I have been playing with stereo BM & stereo SGB

2019-09-07 07:04:25 -0600 commented question How does stereo SGBM algorithm really work inside ?

Thanks to michaelr, I have been able to understand the first of my questions. Anyone able to help for the other question

2019-08-09 10:58:40 -0600 commented answer How does stereo SGBM algorithm really work inside ?

Thank you for your reply! It is very helpful. Have you any idea of how to explain the "directions" that can be used (3,

2019-07-12 02:14:13 -0600 edited question How does stereo SGBM algorithm really work inside ?

How does stereo SGBM algorithm really work inside ? Hello everyone, I have been playing with stereo BM & stereo SGB

2019-07-11 12:15:04 -0600 asked a question How does stereo SGBM algorithm really work inside ?

How does stereo SGBM algorithm really work inside ? Hello everyone, I have been playing with stereo BM & stereo SGB

2019-07-09 10:42:53 -0600 commented question Speckle in disparity map

Well I checked and this is what I understood : the window size seems to be for connected component as you suggested, and

2019-07-09 10:15:32 -0600 commented question Speckle in disparity map

Thank you, I will check for the window size. Also, what did you mean by "disagree with neighboring pixels"?

2019-07-09 10:15:06 -0600 commented question Speckle in disparity map

Thank you, I will check for the window size. Also, what did you mean by "disagree with neighboring pixel"?

2019-07-09 09:14:14 -0600 commented question Speckle in disparity map

Thank you for your reply. Any idea where I could find the source code ?

2019-07-09 08:23:54 -0600 asked a question Speckle in disparity map

Speckle in disparity map Hello everyone, While applying the stereo BM & SGBM algorithms implemented in OpenCV, I c

2019-07-07 06:40:30 -0600 answered a question Disparity value difference in Stereo SGBM vs. WLS disparity maps

Anyone who might have an answer please?

2019-07-03 04:36:28 -0600 asked a question Disparity value difference in Stereo SGBM vs. WLS disparity maps

Disparity value difference in Stereo SGBM vs. WLS disparity maps Hello everyone, I have been working on a stereo imagi

2019-06-30 14:08:22 -0600 edited question How to get point position in left camera reference with point position in right camera reference

How to get point position in left camera reference with point position in right camera reference Hello everybody, This

2019-06-30 14:02:19 -0600 asked a question How to get point position in left camera reference with point position in right camera reference

How to get point position in left camera reference with point position in right camera reference Hello everybody, This

2019-06-24 15:57:11 -0600 commented question 3D points from Reprojection Q Matrix

Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, I have already been working with this booking, and it is exactly from there tha

2019-06-24 15:56:42 -0600 commented question 3D points from Reprojection Q Matrix

Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, I have already been working with this booking, and it is exactly from there tha

2019-06-23 03:47:04 -0600 answered a question 3D points from Reprojection Q Matrix

anyone who might have an answer ?

2019-06-20 08:21:43 -0600 commented question XYZ coordinates with stereo vision

Also, I have one more question, does the center of projection (the reference point of the camera) physically represent t

2019-06-20 08:15:10 -0600 answered a question XYZ coordinates with stereo vision

I think I found a solution to my problem, thanks to Der Luftmensch. As he pointed out the Cx and Cy of the Q matrix were

2019-06-20 07:22:23 -0600 commented question XYZ coordinates with stereo vision

By "optimized distortion model center", do you mean that it is off-center because it represents the optical center of th

2019-06-20 04:28:50 -0600 asked a question 3D points from Reprojection Q Matrix

3D points from Reprojection Q Matrix Hello everyone, I have been working with the reprojection matrix [Q] in a stereo

2019-06-20 04:05:05 -0600 commented question XYZ coordinates with stereo vision

In the Q matrix, cy = 208 and cx = 451 for a 480 (number of lines) x 640 (number of columns) frame.... How is it possibl

2019-06-20 04:04:47 -0600 commented question XYZ coordinates with stereo vision

In the Q matrix, cy = 208 and cx = 451 for a 480 (number of lines) x 640 (number of columns) frame.... How is it possibl

2019-06-20 03:57:56 -0600 commented question XYZ coordinates with stereo vision

cy = 208 and cx = 451 for a 480 (number of lines) x 640 (number of columns) frame.... How is it possible that the cx and

2019-06-20 03:54:43 -0600 commented question XYZ coordinates with stereo vision

cy = 208 and cx = 451 for a 480 (number of lines) x 640 (number of columns) frame.... How is it possible that the cx and

2019-06-15 09:02:37 -0600 commented question XYZ coordinates with stereo vision

Thank you for your reply, I will try it and let you know the answer to your question soon. In the mean time, I just had

2019-06-15 08:19:38 -0600 asked a question XYZ coordinates with stereo vision

XYZ coordinates with stereo vision Hello everyone, I work on a project where the goal is to detect and track and objec

2019-06-13 09:26:35 -0600 commented question WLS filtering

What do you mean by "quantifying the uncertainty for each pixel"?

2019-06-13 08:51:11 -0600 asked a question WLS filtering

WLS filtering Hello everyone, I have been using stereoSGBM algorithm to compute a disparity map. The result is okay, b

2019-06-09 05:37:56 -0600 commented question depth from disparity

yes I know that, and it is exactly where the problem is. If I do the matrix calculation by hand (with the actual values

2019-06-09 03:50:15 -0600 answered a question depth from disparity

UP! does no one know the answer to my question ? Why does the reprojectImageTo3D() function not return correct {x, y, z}

2019-06-05 02:12:30 -0600 commented question depth from disparity

Yes! I have tried that after posting this, and I am actually able to calculate a pretty good depth by doing the matrix m

2019-06-04 05:06:15 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2019-06-04 05:06:15 -0600 edited question depth from disparity

depth from disparity Hello everyone, I have computed a disparity map using OpenCV on Python, but my goal is to get the

2019-06-04 05:04:18 -0600 asked a question depth from disparity

depth from disparity Hello everyone, I have computed a disparity map using OpenCV on Python, but my goal is to get the

2019-05-22 15:50:44 -0600 answered a question Stereo SGBM Algorithm

Hello, thank you for your answer. To verify my stereo calibration results, I put left and right frames side by side an

2019-05-21 01:15:27 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2019-05-20 14:25:01 -0600 asked a question Stereo SGBM Algorithm

Stereo SGBM Algorithm Hello everyone, I have been working on a project in which I need to compute a depth map. In orde

2019-05-13 13:17:21 -0600 commented answer What do rotation and translation vector represent in cameraCalibrate() function

Thank you for your reply. Regarding the chessboard coordinate system, do we know where it is placed on the chessboard ?

2019-05-13 11:13:21 -0600 asked a question What are the "maps" returned by the initUndistortRectifyMap() function?

What are the "maps" returned by the initUndistortRectifyMap() function? Hello everyone, I need to calibrate 2 cameras i

2019-05-13 06:49:48 -0600 asked a question What do rotation and translation vector represent in cameraCalibrate() function

What do rotation and translation vector represent in cameraCalibrate() function Hello everyone, I need to calibrate 2 c

2019-05-09 09:00:29 -0600 commented answer Camera calibration without Z component?

So if I understand you well, it means that the considered coordinate system is always placed on the chessboad, with the

2019-05-09 09:00:16 -0600 commented answer Camera calibration without Z component?

So if I understand you well, it means that the considered coordinate system is always placed on the chessboad, with the

2019-05-09 03:04:55 -0600 commented question Camera calibration without Z component?

Thank you for your reply. I have read this already, but unfortunately I don't understand it. What does it change if it's

2019-05-08 10:47:20 -0600 asked a question Camera calibration without Z component?

Camera calibration without Z component? Hello everyone, I need to calibrate 2 cameras in order to do some image proces