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2018-12-09 12:07:47 -0600 commented answer OpenCV real_time_pose_estimation not working

@Eduardo Thank you very much. When I tried to add orb.dynamicCast<cv::ORB>()->setNLevels(1); to main_detec

2018-12-09 11:28:10 -0600 commented answer OpenCV real_time_pose_estimation not working

@Eduardo Thank you very much. When I tried to add orb.dynamicCast<cv::ORB>()->setNLevels(1); to main_detec

2018-12-07 18:43:24 -0600 asked a question OpenCV real_time_pose_estimation not working

OpenCV real_time_pose_estimation not working I am trying to use OpenCV for real-time pose estimation. I found this tutor