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OpenCV real_time_pose_estimation not working

I am trying to use OpenCV for real-time pose estimation. I found this tutorial and tried to follow it. When running the example_tutorial_pnp_detection, it did not work. There were no error messages, but there was no detection either.

This is my result for the registration step: image description

along with the cookies_ORB.yml file (Whether or not it is accurate I have no clue).

But this is what I got when running the pnp_detection with the cookies_ORB.yml file, the box.ply file, and box.mp4, all of which came with the sample code: image description

What am I doing wrong? I know this question has been asked before with In real_time_pose_estimation( samples given in opencv 3.1.0) no errors but fails to detect the object and How to use real_time_pose_estimation, but neither of those were even answered. If this has already been answered somewhere I'd be more than glad to have the link to the forum.

I am using OpenCV 3.4.3.