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2018-05-13 08:08:47 -0600 edited question Count real size of object in photo

Count real size of object in photo Hi, I am working on my project, but I have problem. I have photo of wound with some

2018-05-13 08:08:34 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2018-05-13 08:08:34 -0600 edited question Count real size of object in photo

Count real size of object in photo Hi, I am working on my project, but I have problem. I have photo of wound with some

2018-05-13 08:06:39 -0600 asked a question Count real size of object in photo

Count real size of object in photo Hi, I am working on my project, but I have problem. I have photo of wound with some

2018-03-18 05:12:49 -0600 commented question Detection of wounds

I am trying to compute area of wound.

2018-03-17 07:09:51 -0600 asked a question Detection of wounds

Detection of wounds Hi, I have problem with my school project, I need to detect chronic wounds and I am lost, I do not