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Count real size of object in photo


I am working on my project, but I have problem. I have photo of wound with some pen or similar marker and I know width of this pen, real width in cm and width on this picture in pixels. Then I have wound and I know number of pixels in wound area, and Now I need to compute real size of wound area in centimeters. Itired lot of things, but always number is far away from excepted number, I know, it will be newer exactly as in real, but number is sometimes 2x bigger. I think this formula should work: penLengthCM * woundAreaPX / penLengthPX. But it does not work, I even tried some variqations with sqrt, but no success. Caqn anybody help me?

You can see example of this on image below: image description

Count real size of object in photo


I am working on my project, but I have problem. I have photo of wound with some pen or similar marker and I know width of this pen, real width of pen in cm and width of pen on this picture in pixels. Then I have wound and I know number of pixels in wound area, and Now I need to compute real size of wound area in centimeters. Itired lot of things, but always number is far away from excepted number, I know, it will be newer exactly as in real, but number is sometimes 2x bigger. I think this formula should work: penLengthCM * woundAreaPX / penLengthPX. But it does not work, I even tried some variqations with sqrt, but no success. Caqn anybody help me?

You can see example of this on image below: image description

Count real size of object in photo


I am working on my project, but I have problem. I have photo of wound with some pen or similar marker and I know width of this pen, real width of pen in cm and width of pen on this picture in pixels. Then I have wound and I know number of pixels in wound area, and Now I need to compute real size of wound area in centimeters. Itired lot of things, but always number is far away from excepted number, I know, it will be newer exactly as in real, but number is sometimes 2x bigger. I think this formula should work: penLengthCM * woundAreaPX / penLengthPX. But it does not work, I even tried some variqations with sqrt, but no success. Caqn Can anybody help me?

You can see example of this on image below: image description