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2019-04-02 10:35:08 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2017-10-19 09:02:46 -0600 commented question Does OpenCV have Cuda Dnn module?

Ok cool. I'll try it

2017-10-19 08:47:39 -0600 commented answer Does OpenCV have Cuda Dnn module?

No worries bro. Thanks again

2017-10-19 08:39:53 -0600 commented answer Does OpenCV have Cuda Dnn module?

So how will i do it? :P as my name suggests i am noob :p

2017-10-19 08:37:58 -0600 commented answer Does OpenCV have Cuda Dnn module?

ok ill do it later

2017-10-19 08:36:18 -0600 commented answer Does OpenCV have Cuda Dnn module?

So what does it mean?

2017-10-19 08:31:50 -0600 commented question Does OpenCV have Cuda Dnn module?

yeah true. But I want to use Dnn to extract the features. Well thanks anyway.

2017-10-19 08:29:04 -0600 marked best answer Does OpenCV have Cuda Dnn module?

Specifically opencv 3.3.0.

2017-10-19 08:28:46 -0600 commented question Does OpenCV have Cuda Dnn module?

yeah but thats on cpu. which takes alot of time. I have done it. And single image takes about 150ms

2017-10-19 08:24:08 -0600 commented question Does OpenCV have Cuda Dnn module?

yeah i guess. So i have to include caffe library and code from there with opencv right?

2017-10-19 08:01:35 -0600 asked a question Does OpenCV have Cuda Dnn module?

Does OpenCV have Cuda Dnn module? Specifically opencv 3.3.0.

2017-10-14 13:32:22 -0600 commented answer Should the execution time change when I am running MOG2 extractor on image in GPU?

Yeah I know more or less about them. Thanks again.

2017-10-14 13:26:33 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)
2017-10-14 13:26:30 -0600 marked best answer Should the execution time change when I am running MOG2 extractor on image in GPU?

Image size is 640x480 and MOG2 is applied, it executes in 1ms. While if I take above image and copy it 4 times I will get execution time of 3.2ms(This execution time is only of GPU when I am applying the extractor not memory transfer). The time shouldn't jump from 1ms to 3.2ms in my opinion because it is parallel. My system has Cuda 8.0, OpenCV 3.3.0 and 850M Graphics Card.

2017-10-14 13:26:30 -0600 received badge  Scholar (source)
2017-10-14 13:24:07 -0600 commented answer Should the execution time change when I am running MOG2 extractor on image in GPU?

Ah i see. So basically the only bottleneck is the GPU cores.... I get it. Thanks buddy. And also it will happen on diffe

2017-10-14 04:11:15 -0600 asked a question Should the execution time change when I am running MOG2 extractor on image in GPU?

Should the execution time change when I am running MOG2 extractor on image in GPU? Image size is 640x480 and MOG2 is app