Does OpenCV have Cuda Dnn module?
Specifically opencv 3.3.0.
Specifically opencv 3.3.0.
I might be wrong but I think that's a no; at least according to this
my 1st answer was NO, too, but there is this mysterious comment here...
@NoobProgrammer refer to the above comment. Test it out and let me know if it works so I can update my answer
So how will i do it? :P as my name suggests i am noob :p
Asked: 2017-10-19 08:01:35 -0600
Seen: 2,710 times
Last updated: Oct 19 '17
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I might be wrong but I think that's a no; at least according to this
yeah i guess. So i have to include caffe library and code from there with opencv right?
If that's what you are comfortable with, yes. According to their documentation, you could load Tensorflow, Caffe, Darknet and Torch models
yeah but thats on cpu. which takes alot of time. I have done it. And single image takes about 150ms
Well, you can use either of the other machine learning libraries with GPU for the machine learning portions then OpenCV for the image processing
yeah true. But I want to use Dnn to extract the features. Well thanks anyway.
No in OpenCV 3.3.
I don't think cuDNN will be integrated into OpenCV as it targets only Nvidia GPU. The trend should be to use instead:
This seems to be still in early stages, don't expect to get the same speed than cuDNN in OpenCV 3.3.
Disclaimer: I am not at all related to the development work, this is just my own perception of the project.
Ok cool. I'll try it