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2019-10-31 02:26:06 -0600 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2019-03-20 21:54:42 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2017-09-26 21:18:40 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2017-09-05 03:24:51 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2017-09-01 01:04:07 -0600 commented answer GLCM texture analysis using OpenCV C++

And one more thing, Are you suggesting me to change the type of gl matrix as an integer?

2017-09-01 00:54:04 -0600 commented answer GLCM texture analysis using OpenCV C++

@sturkmen I want to display an image, not a graph.

2017-09-01 00:26:04 -0600 commented answer GLCM texture analysis using OpenCV C++

This code is just to calculate the features but as I said that it doesn't display any feature as an image

2017-09-01 00:21:43 -0600 commented answer GLCM texture analysis using OpenCV C++

@kbarni I want to display the image not the graph and if you talk about the formula that I can correct... Sir, could you

2017-08-31 05:14:36 -0600 commented answer GLCM texture analysis using OpenCV C++

one more question This displays a bar graph of energy but I want to see the energy image in the same way it is visualise

2017-08-31 05:11:49 -0600 commented answer GLCM texture analysis using OpenCV C++

@sturkmen the other piece of code you provided, do I need to save this in .cpp format if yes, then I must include that i

2017-08-31 05:03:08 -0600 commented question GLCM texture analysis using OpenCV C++

@berak I was trying to follow what kbarni said but I am finding it very difficult to divide it into a window and all cou

2017-08-31 04:49:23 -0600 commented question GLCM texture analysis using OpenCV C++

yes you are right energy is a number i.e sum of squared glcm values but as it happens in software like ENVI in which whe

2017-08-31 04:45:26 -0600 commented answer GLCM texture analysis using OpenCV C++

thank you so much for the reply @sturkmen but there was no plot.hpp present in my openCV so I created a file with the na

2017-08-31 02:03:19 -0600 edited question Converting 2D array to image and display that image

Converting 2D array to image and display that image I want to convert my resultant matrix in the form of image and hence

2017-08-31 00:37:51 -0600 asked a question Converting 2D array to image and display that image

Converting 2D array to image and display that image I want to convert my resultant matrix in the form of image and hence

2017-08-31 00:37:50 -0600 asked a question Converting 2D array to image and display that image

Converting 2D array to image and display that image I want to convert my resultant matrix in the form of image and hence

2017-08-29 05:21:32 -0600 commented question GLCM texture analysis using OpenCV C++

@kbarni thanks for the reply, could you please provide some reference or some piece of code for the same as I am new to

2017-08-28 04:33:34 -0600 commented question GLCM texture analysis using OpenCV C++

@berak as you can see in the piece of code provided that I am unable to form an image with these features , so could you

2017-08-28 04:28:07 -0600 commented question GLCM texture analysis using OpenCV C++

@berak I don't need any kind of button I have calculated the glcm features now I just want to display the output image i

2017-08-28 04:26:35 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2017-08-28 04:26:35 -0600 edited question GLCM texture analysis using OpenCV C++

GLCM texture analysis using OpenCV C++ I want to make a project to do texture analysis on an image, as per now I have co

2017-08-28 00:31:13 -0600 asked a question GLCM texture analysis using OpenCV C++

GLCM texture analysis using OpenCV C++ I want to make a project to do texture analysis on an image, as per now I have co