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2016-01-11 03:42:59 -0600 asked a question Is ICR (Intelligent character Recognition ) is possible using opencv 2.*

Hi, i am trying to create ICR but i am not sure whether opencv 2.4.* versions will support those features. if any suggestions about icr using opencv please let me know. thankyou

2015-12-24 02:59:44 -0600 commented question Error building while installing opencv 2.4.11 in debian jessie.

thank you for the reply,

I am facing same kind of problem again but in "opencv_test_ocl/test_arithm.cpp.o"

2015-12-23 22:33:48 -0600 asked a question Error building while installing opencv 2.4.11 in debian jessie.

I tried to install opencv 2.4.11 in my Dragonboard410c which is running on Debian(jessie), but every time while building , it is showing error. 1st time it showed "Google_core does not support target device", then again i tried to reinstall from 1st step this time i am getting error in "Building CXX object modules/gpu/CMakeFiles/opencv_perf_perf_gpu.dir/perf/perf_core.cpp.o"

I dont know what to do now. Can anyone please help me to sort out this.

I tried to install opencv3.0.0 but total space of file goes to more than 5gb, i am running out of memory.