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2017-05-11 02:54:40 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2017-05-10 02:29:01 -0600 commented answer How to compute a stitching model and reuse it on further image pairs?

Result: Hmm, looks indeed good to me :)) Are you on Linux or Windows? (My experiments are on Linux - Ubuntu).

2017-05-09 15:54:10 -0600 commented answer How to compute a stitching model and reuse it on further image pairs?

Hmm, I just tried the same code with the latest opencv master branch. No effect. The second image (fused2.png) is still wrong. Could you upload your results you obtain with the same input? Thanks alot!

2017-05-07 17:10:47 -0600 commented question How to compute a stitching model and reuse it on further image pairs?

Thank you! you can find the data here:

2017-05-06 16:05:13 -0600 commented question How to compute a stitching model and reuse it on further image pairs?

the to images are from two different cameras. The results dont "look good". Thats the first stitching result: and thats the second:

2017-05-04 17:18:40 -0600 asked a question How to compute a stitching model and reuse it on further image pairs?

I would like to use the stitching module for video stitching. The elapsed time is not important. Its the quality. However, when I simply apply the stitcher independently on each image pair, all the transformation and blending parameters are computed again and the fusion results jitter (of course).

How would I need to adopt the stitching code in order to precompute the required parameters on the first image pair, and then later to re-apply them on all further image pairs?

I tried to call the stitcher->estimateTransform once and then only to call stitcher->composePanorama but the result is not correct. The code for the experiment can be found here:

Thank you very much in advance!!

2015-12-03 17:05:43 -0600 commented answer Disparity on Vertical stereo

How did you flip the images? I dont get it... :/ Tried cv::flip and keeping now cv::transcoder etc.

2015-12-03 14:55:09 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)
2015-11-22 08:14:02 -0600 commented question CV_IS_MAT assertion in cv::stereoRectify

thanks! Same issue here. :)