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2018-11-22 04:02:49 -0600 commented question CameraCalibration example computes NAN

In (line 200), by commenting out line 200 and 202, I was able to start seeing variables f

2018-11-22 03:30:40 -0600 commented question CameraCalibration example computes NAN

Thanks @opalmirror, that is a good point. In (line 126), I have tried both options: Calib3d.findCi

2018-11-22 03:30:26 -0600 commented question CameraCalibration example computes NAN

Thanks @opalmirror, that is a good point. In (line 126), I have tried both options: Calib3d.findCi

2018-11-20 04:12:00 -0600 commented question CameraCalibration example computes NAN

@berak, OpenCV site says that 3.4.3 was updated on 2018-08-29: The later versions (4.xx

2018-11-20 04:08:43 -0600 edited question CameraCalibration example computes NAN

CameraCaliberation example computes NAN I am using OpenCV 3.2.0's example project for achieving CameraCalibration. I hav

2018-11-20 04:08:01 -0600 edited question CameraCalibration example computes NAN

CameraCaliberation example computes NAN I am using OpenCV 3.2.0's example project for achieving CameraCalibration. I hav

2018-11-20 04:01:35 -0600 edited question CameraCalibration example computes NAN

CameraCaliberation example computes NAN I am using OpenCV 3.2.0's example project for achieving CameraCalibration. I hav

2018-11-19 12:40:40 -0600 commented question CameraCalibration example computes NAN

@opalmirror thank you for the suggestion. I have uploaded the project and the library that generate the issue. @berak I

2018-11-19 12:40:33 -0600 commented question CameraCalibration example computes NAN

@opalmirror thank you for the suggestion. I have uploaded the project and the library that generate the issue. @berak I

2018-11-19 12:39:42 -0600 edited question CameraCalibration example computes NAN

CameraCaliberation example computes NAN I am using OpenCV 3.2.0's example project for achieving CameraCalibration. I hav

2018-11-19 12:37:34 -0600 commented question CameraCalibration example computes NAN

@opalmirror thank you for the suggestion. I have uploaded the project and the library that generate the issue. @berak I

2018-11-19 12:35:22 -0600 edited question CameraCalibration example computes NAN

CameraCaliberation example computes NAN I am using OpenCV 3.2.0's example project for achieving CameraCalibration. I hav

2018-11-19 12:31:00 -0600 edited question CameraCalibration example computes NAN

CameraCaliberation example computes NAN I am using OpenCV 3.2.0's example project for achieving CameraCalibration. I hav

2018-11-16 03:59:08 -0600 commented question CameraCalibration example computes NAN

I have tested with OpenCV 3.2.0 Library and the problem still persists. In the meantime I also downloaded OpenCV 3.4.3

2018-11-16 03:52:51 -0600 commented question CameraCalibration example computes NAN

I have tested with OpenCV 3.2.0 Library and the problem still persists. In the meantime I also downloaded OpenCV 3.4.3

2018-11-16 03:22:30 -0600 edited question CameraCalibration example computes NAN

CameraCaliberation example computes NAN I am using OpenCV 3.2.0's example project for achieving CameraCalibration. I hav

2018-11-15 12:23:29 -0600 edited question CameraCalibration example computes NAN

CameraCaliberation example computes NAN I am using OpenCV 3.0's example project for achieving CameraCalibration. I have

2018-11-15 12:21:54 -0600 asked a question CameraCalibration example computes NAN

CameraCaliberation example computes NAN I am using OpenCV 3.0's example project for achieving CameraCalibration. I have

2018-11-15 12:21:17 -0600 asked a question CameraCaliberation example computes NAN

CameraCaliberation example computes NAN I am using OpenCV 3.0's example project for achieving CameraCalibration. I have

2018-11-15 12:21:16 -0600 asked a question CameraCaliberation example computes NAN

CameraCaliberation example computes NAN I am using OpenCV 3.0's example project for achieving CameraCalibration. I have

2018-11-15 12:21:16 -0600 asked a question CameraCaliberation example computes NAN

CameraCaliberation example computes NAN I am using OpenCV 3.0's example project for achieving CameraCalibration. I have

2018-11-15 12:21:14 -0600 asked a question CameraCaliberation example computes NAN

CameraCaliberation example computes NAN I am using OpenCV 3.0's example project for achieving CameraCalibration. I have

2018-11-15 12:21:09 -0600 asked a question CameraCaliberation example computes NAN

CameraCaliberation example computes NAN I am using OpenCV 3.0's example project for achieving CameraCalibration. I have

2018-11-07 05:00:42 -0600 commented question Using calibrateCamera without Chessboard

Is ORB not a good choice because the features that it detects are not always the same from one frame to the next? Would

2018-11-07 03:56:29 -0600 commented question Using calibrateCamera without Chessboard

Thanks for the clarification @berak! Does that mean that solvePnP() also cannot be used without a reproducible pattern?

2018-11-07 03:55:42 -0600 commented question Using calibrateCamera without Chessboard

Thanks for the clarification @berak! Does that mean that solvePnP() also cannot be used without a calibration?

2018-11-07 03:20:26 -0600 edited question Using calibrateCamera without Chessboard

Using calibrateCamera without Chessboard Hi all, I am not familiar with Calib3d.calibrateCamera(): https://docs.opencv.o

2018-11-07 02:56:15 -0600 edited question Using calibrateCamera without Chessboard

calibrateCamera Hi all, I am not familiar with Calib3d.calibrateCamera(). Is it possible to calibrate the camera without

2018-11-07 02:45:39 -0600 asked a question Using calibrateCamera without Chessboard

calibrateCamera Hi all, I am not familiar with Calib3d.calibrateCamera(). Is it possible to calibrate the camera without

2018-11-07 02:45:31 -0600 asked a question calibrateCamera

calibrateCamera Hi all, I am not familiar with Calib3d.calibrateCamera(). Is it possible to calibrate the camera without

2018-11-07 02:45:26 -0600 asked a question calibrateCamera

calibrateCamera Hi all, I am not familiar with Calib3d.calibrateCamera(). Is it possible to calibrate the camera without

2018-09-26 09:12:59 -0600 edited question List KeyPoint missing queryIdx

List KeyPoint missing queryIdx I am doing some feature matching and I am seeing that some KeyPoints in the list don't ha

2018-09-26 05:32:16 -0600 commented question List KeyPoint missing queryIdx

Hi @berak, I just updated my question. Thanks.

2018-09-26 05:31:15 -0600 edited question List KeyPoint missing queryIdx

List KeyPoint missing queryIdx I am doing some feature matching and I am seeing that some KeyPoints in the list don't ha

2018-09-26 05:19:02 -0600 marked best answer How to extract RANSAC's inlier object points from the matrix produced by solvePNPRansac() or findHomography()?

Hi everyone,

I understand that both solvePNPRansac() and findHomography() produce a matrix correlated to the inlier and outlier keypoints.

Once I get the Mask from the findHomography(), is there a trivial way to correlate the position of the rows in the Mask to the list of matches and the keypoints (like a simple for loop shown below)?

    for (int nextPosition = 0; nextPosition < Mask.height(); ++nextPosition) {
        if(Mask.get(nextPosition,0)[0] > 0.0){              

Thanks in advance!

2018-09-25 13:04:10 -0600 asked a question List KeyPoint missing queryIdx

List KeyPoint missing queryIdx I am doing some feature matching and I am seeing that some KeyPoints in the list don't ha

2018-09-19 06:10:59 -0600 received badge  Self-Learner (source)
2018-09-18 05:03:55 -0600 answered a question How to extract RANSAC's inlier object points from the matrix produced by solvePNPRansac() or findHomography()?

I figured it out! The Ransac array will be the same size as your matches. So every position of the Ransac array will be

2018-09-17 03:42:14 -0600 commented question FAST or ORB feature detection pattern to scan the image

@Der Luftmensch would be great if you could point me to where I can learn about the pattern of ORB and FAST, or just tel

2018-09-14 04:26:23 -0600 commented answer Compute inliers for a homography

The size of the Mask matches the size of my keypoints. Does it mean that when a row in the Mask is 1, that the keypoin

2018-09-14 04:25:18 -0600 answered a question Compute inliers for a homography

The size of the Mask matches the size of my keypoints. Does it mean that when a row in the Mask is 1, that the keypoin

2018-09-14 04:18:31 -0600 commented answer Understanding findHomography Mask

@Doombot, does the position of the first row in the mask correlate to the first good_match and the first row in both key

2018-09-14 04:17:52 -0600 edited question How to extract RANSAC's inlier object points from the matrix produced by solvePNPRansac() or findHomography()?

How to extract RANSAC's inlier object points from the matrix produced by solvePNPRansac() or findHomography()? Hi everyo

2018-09-14 04:13:35 -0600 commented question How to extract RANSAC's inlier object points from the matrix produced by solvePNPRansac() or findHomography()?

Thanks for the suggestion. I have elaborated on my question. It is not clear how to refine my keypoints list. Can I as

2018-09-14 04:03:58 -0600 commented answer Understanding findHomography Mask

@Doombot, does the position of the first row in the mask correlate to the first good_match and the first row in both key

2018-09-14 04:00:12 -0600 edited question How to extract RANSAC's inlier object points from the matrix produced by solvePNPRansac() or findHomography()?

How to extract RANSAC's inlier object points from the matrix produced by solvePNPRansac() or findHomography()? Hi everyo

2018-09-12 12:56:31 -0600 edited question How to extract RANSAC's inlier object points from the matrix produced by solvePNPRansac() or findHomography()?

How to extract RANSAC's inlier object points from the matrix produced by solvePNPRansac() or findHomography()? Hi everyo

2018-09-12 12:56:30 -0600 edited question How to extract RANSAC's inlier object points from the matrix produced by solvePNPRansac() or findHomography()?

How to extract RANSAC's inlier object points from the matrix produced by solvePNPRansac() or findHomography()? Hi everyo

2018-09-12 12:54:19 -0600 edited question How to extract RANSAC's inlier object points from the matrix produced by solvePNPRansac() or findHomography()?

How to extract features from the inliner matrix produced by solvePNPRansac() Hi everyone, I understand that both solveP