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How to extract features from the inliner matrix produced by solvePNPRansac()

Hi everyone,

I understand that solvePNPRansac produces an inliner matrix that contains both the object points and image points.

I was wondering if there is a way to extract the two from the matrix so that I can plot the detected features in an image before and after RANSAC is applied.

Note: To plot the matched features, I use the drawMatches().

Thanks in advance!

How to extract features from the inliner matrix produced by solvePNPRansac()

Hi everyone,

I understand that solvePNPRansac produces an inliner both solvePNPRansac() and findHomography() produce a matrix that contains both correlated to the object points inlier and image points. outlier keypoints.

I was wondering if there is a way to extract the two from the matrix so that I can inlier points and plot the detected features in an image before and after RANSAC is applied.

Note: To plot the matched features, I use the drawMatches(). via drawKeypoints() or drawMatches().

Thanks in advance!

How to extract features from the inliner matrix produced by solvePNPRansac()

Hi everyone,

I understand that both solvePNPRansac() and findHomography() produce a matrix correlated to the inlier and outlier keypoints.

I was wondering if there is a way to extract the inlier points and plot via drawKeypoints() or drawMatches().

Thanks in advance!

How to extract features RANSAC's inlier object points from the inliner matrix produced by solvePNPRansac()solvePNPRansac() or findHomography()?

Hi everyone,

I understand that both solvePNPRansac() and findHomography() produce a matrix correlated to the inlier and outlier keypoints.

I was wondering if there is a way to extract the inlier points and plot via drawKeypoints() or drawMatches().

Thanks in advance!

How to extract RANSAC's inlier object points from the matrix produced by solvePNPRansac() or findHomography()?

Hi everyone,

I understand that both solvePNPRansac() and findHomography() produce a matrix correlated to the inlier and outlier keypoints.

I was wondering if there is a way to extract the inlier points and plot via drawKeypoints() or drawMatches().

Thanks in advance!

How to extract RANSAC's inlier object points from the matrix produced by solvePNPRansac() or findHomography()?

Hi everyone,

I understand that both solvePNPRansac() and findHomography() produce a matrix correlated to the inlier and outlier keypoints.

I was wondering if there is a way to extract the inlier points and plot via drawKeypoints() or drawMatches().

Is there a trivial way to correlate the position of the rows in the Mask to the list of matches and the keypoints?

Thanks in advance!

How to extract RANSAC's inlier object points from the matrix produced by solvePNPRansac() or findHomography()?

Hi everyone,

I understand that both solvePNPRansac() and findHomography() produce a matrix correlated to the inlier and outlier keypoints.

Once I was wondering if there get the Mask from the findHomography(), is a way to extract the inlier points and plot via drawKeypoints() or drawMatches().

Is there a trivial way to correlate the position of the rows in the Mask to the list of matches and the keypoints?

keypoints (like a simple for loop shown below)?

    for (int nextPosition = 0; nextPosition < Mask.height(); ++nextPosition) {
        if(Mask.get(nextPosition,0)[0] > 0.0){              

Thanks in advance!