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2013-01-15 14:45:53 -0600 answered a question OpenCV 2.4.3 iOS CvVideoCamera throws build errors

Just downloaded the newest build and it works fine now. I guess it was left stubbed off at OpenCV's end. I'm glad it finally works haha.

2012-11-14 10:18:02 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2012-11-12 08:31:40 -0600 commented question OpenCV 2.4.3 iOS CvVideoCamera throws build errors

Nope, I've tried just about everything that I could think of, including changing @property(nonatomic, retain) to @property(retain) then to @property(atomic, retain)... No luck, it throws the same error every time. I guess that project will go on the back burner until there is a solution.

2012-11-05 13:07:26 -0600 asked a question OpenCV 2.4.3 iOS CvVideoCamera throws build errors

When I try to compile in Xcode I get the following error:

"_objc_setProperty_nonatomic", referenced from: -[CvVideoCamera setCustomPreviewLayer:] in opencv2(cap_ios_video_camera.o) -[CvVideoCamera setVideoDataOutput:] in opencv2(cap_ios_video_camera.o) -[CvVideoCamera setRecordAssetWriterInput:] in opencv2(cap_ios_video_camera.o) -[CvVideoCamera setRecordPixelBufferAdaptor:] in opencv2(cap_ios_video_camera.o) -[CvVideoCamera setRecordAssetWriter:] in opencv2(cap_ios_video_camera.o) -[CvAbstractCamera setDefaultAVCaptureSessionPreset:] in opencv2(cap_ios_abstract_camera.o) -[CvAbstractCamera setCaptureSession:] in opencv2(cap_ios_abstract_camera.o) ... ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture armv7 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

Compiler is set to libc++, all source files are named .mm (and I also forced xcode to compile it as obj-c++). I'm importing the headers properly, but it is still throwing this linker error. I downloaded the latest OpenCV framework (2.4.3) and everything works fine until I try throwing the CvVideoCamera in there and then it goes all haywire.

Any ideas/suggestions?