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2014-08-19 15:36:54 -0600 commented question Make uEye compatible with Aruco / OpenCV?

I don't think so, OpenCV will not see the uEye either, and Aruco applications all reference OpenCV definitions. Do you know how to get OpenCV to detect uEye?

2014-08-18 14:15:54 -0600 asked a question Make uEye compatible with Aruco / OpenCV?

Hello everyone, I have been trying to get the uEye camera to interface with the OpenCV library Aruco, following the instructions here: I have made it to the last line, $ ./aruco_test_board live board.yml camera.yml 0.025 but evertime I run it I get Could not Open Video. My uEye camera works with its own demos and ImageView, and shows up as ueye under ls /dev. I have tried on two machines, running Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04, ROS Hydro and Indigo respectively. Same error for both. Does anyone know how to resolve this?