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Using opencv contrib in Java IntelliJ

I am trying to use some of the algorithm API provided by opencv_contrib in my IntelliJ Java project but I cannot see the module to use.

I installed openCV following this instruction and then setup in my project using this.

But in my IntelliJ project I don't see opencv_contrib anywhere. Where did I go wrong?

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Using opencv contrib in Java IntelliJ

I am trying to use some of the algorithm API provided by opencv_contrib in my IntelliJ Java project but I cannot see the module to use.

I installed openCV following this instruction and then setup in my project using this.

I have used homebrew to get opencv using this command : brew install opencv3 --with-contrib --with-java

But in my IntelliJ project I don't see opencv_contrib anywhere. Where did I go wrong?

image description

Using opencv contrib in Java IntelliJ

I am trying to use some of the algorithm API provided by opencv_contrib in my IntelliJ Java project but I cannot see the module to use.

I installed openCV following this instruction and then setup in my project using this.

I have used homebrew to get opencv using this command : brew install opencv3 --with-contrib --with-java

But in my IntelliJ project I don't see opencv_contrib anywhere. Where did I go wrong?

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