Using opencv contrib in Java IntelliJ

asked 2017-07-08 00:20:15 -0600

arqam gravatar image

updated 2017-07-08 00:37:32 -0600

I am trying to use some of the algorithm API provided by opencv_contrib in my IntelliJ Java project but I cannot see the module to use.

I installed openCV following this instruction and then setup in my project using this.

I have used homebrew to get opencv using this command : brew install opencv3 --with-contrib --with-java

But in my IntelliJ project I don't see opencv_contrib anywhere. Where did I go wrong?

image description

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there is no opencv_contrib module in opencv3, and it looks like the aruco, bioinspired, structured_light and xfeatures2d modules from the opencv_contrib repo were successfully build and added to your workspace..

what exactly did you expect ?

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2017-07-08 00:59:27 -0600 )edit

also, imho, you should kindly close your issue here , since this is clearly not a library bug, but more a usage question.

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2017-07-08 01:23:53 -0600 )edit

@berak Yeah I closed. I want to use ximgproc, as I want to use some filters which I needed for rolling guidance algorithms.

arqam gravatar imagearqam ( 2017-07-08 01:34:26 -0600 )edit

ok, good. less work for the devs there.

so, ximgproc is still mising, (which is the actual problem), right ?

we can't help with homebrew (which is also not supported from opencv), but if you have a cmake output, looking at that would be helpful.

did you enable the java wrappers for ximproc in cmakelists.txt ?

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2017-07-08 01:45:28 -0600 )edit

@berak Installing through homebrew didn't give me any cmakelists.txt file. Do I have to install openCV again some other way to get this ximgproc working?

arqam gravatar imagearqam ( 2017-07-08 02:39:55 -0600 )edit

you have to use cmake && make && make install , please try to follow the receipe here and you have to enable the java wrappers for ximgproc manually before.

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2017-07-08 02:44:57 -0600 )edit

@berak jar files and .dylib will be present after doing this way?

arqam gravatar imagearqam ( 2017-07-08 03:15:14 -0600 )edit

@berak jar files and .dylib will be present after doing this way which can be used in Java projects?

arqam gravatar imagearqam ( 2017-07-08 03:15:35 -0600 )edit

sorry, neither an apple, nor a java user here, so idk.

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2017-07-08 03:28:49 -0600 )edit

@berak can you have a look into this :

arqam gravatar imagearqam ( 2017-07-08 05:59:01 -0600 )edit