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linker error when trying to use SURF_OCL

I'd like to use SURF_OCL and compare it to the regular SURF feature extraction. Everything compiles fine, but the linker won't find the methods using OCL.

I found out that I need the opencv_ocl244.dll, but I can't find it in the precompiled binaries that were installed with the standard OpenCV installation on Windows. I guess, there is a cmake flag indicating whether OpenCV should be built with OCL support. But why is it turned off by default?

I then tried to compile OpenCV myself to activate OCL, but I failed, see my other thread

linker error when trying to use SURF_OCLWhere can I get opencv_ocl244.dll?

I'd like to use SURF_OCL and compare it to the regular SURF feature extraction. Everything compiles fine, but the linker won't find the methods using OCL.

I found out that I need the opencv_ocl244.dll, but I can't find it in the precompiled binaries that were installed with the standard OpenCV installation on Windows. I guess, there is a cmake flag indicating whether OpenCV should be built with OCL support. But why is it turned off by default?

I then tried to compile OpenCV myself to activate OCL, but I failed, see my other thread