Needing some help on integration of the webcam
Needing some help on integration of the webcam I am getting these errors on ubuntu 15
HIGHGUI ERROR: V4L2: Unable to get property <unknown property string>(7) - Invalid argument
HIGHGUI ERROR: V4L2: Unable to get property <unknown property string>(5) - Invalid argument
import as cv
#capture = cv.CaptureFromFile('cartrim.mp4')
capture = cv.CaptureFromCAM(0)
#-- Informations about the video --
nbFrames = int(cv.GetCaptureProperty(capture, cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))
fps = cv.GetCaptureProperty(capture, cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FPS)
wait = int(1/fps * 1000/20)
width = int(cv.GetCaptureProperty(capture, cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH))
height = int(cv.GetCaptureProperty(capture, cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))
#For recording
#codec = cv.GetCaptureProperty(capture, cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FOURCC)
#writer=cv.CreateVideoWriter("img/output.avi", int(codec), int(fps), (width,height), 1) #Create writer with same parameters
prev_gray = cv.CreateImage((width,height), 8, 1) #Will hold the frame at t-1
gray = cv.CreateImage((width,height), 8, 1) # Will hold the current frame
prevPyr = cv.CreateImage((height / 3, width + 8), 8, cv.CV_8UC1) #Will hold the pyr frame at t-1
currPyr = cv.CreateImage((height / 3, width + 8), 8, cv.CV_8UC1) # idem at t
max_count = 500
qLevel= 0.01
minDist = 10
prev_points = [] #Points at t-1
curr_points = [] #Points at t
lines=[] #To keep all the lines overtime
for f in xrange( nbFrames ):
frame = cv.QueryFrame(capture) #Take a frame of the video
cv.CvtColor(frame, gray, cv.CV_BGR2GRAY) #Convert to gray
output = cv.CloneImage(frame)
prev_points = cv.GoodFeaturesToTrack(gray, None, None, max_count, qLevel, minDist) #Find points on the image
#Calculate the movement using the previous and the current frame using the previous points
curr_points, status, err = cv.CalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(prev_gray, gray, prevPyr, currPyr, prev_points, (10, 10), 3, (cv.CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|cv.CV_TERMCRIT_EPS,20, 0.03), 0)
#If points status are ok and distance not negligible keep the point
k = 0
for i in range(len(curr_points)):
nb = abs( int(prev_points[i][0])-int(curr_points[i][0]) ) + abs( int(prev_points[i][1])-int(curr_points[i][1]) )
if status[i] and nb > 2 :
prev_points[k] = prev_points[i]
curr_points[k] = curr_points[i]
k += 1
prev_points = prev_points[:k]
curr_points = curr_points[:k]
#At the end only interesting points are kept
#Draw all the previously kept lines otherwise they would be lost the next frame
for (pt1, pt2) in lines:
cv.Line(frame, pt1, pt2, (255,255,255))
#Draw the lines between each points at t-1 and t
for prevpoint, point in zip(prev_points,curr_points):
prevpoint = (int(prevpoint[0]),int(prevpoint[1]))
cv.Circle(frame, prevpoint, 25, 255)
point = (int(point[0]),int(point[1]))
#cv.Circle(frame, point, 3, 255)
#cv.Line(frame, prevpoint, point, (255,255,255))
#lines.append((prevpoint,point)) #Append current lines to the lines list
cv.Copy(gray, prev_gray) #Put the current frame prev_gray
prev_points = curr_points
cv.ShowImage("Object Detection", frame)
#cv.WriteFrame(writer, frame)
unrelated to your problem, but please stop using the deprecated cv api, which is already gone in current opencv.
you will have to use cv2 consistently. better rewrite it from scratch now, than later.
then, a webcam has neither a fps nor a framecount poperty