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How to detect rectange edge like Euresys EasyGauge?

asked 2014-10-14 23:15:47 -0600

cceng82 gravatar image

HI I'm very new in OpenCV. My previous experience of vision is using Euresys eVision library. Currently I can detect the rectangle edge using OpenCV Canny and HoughLinesP function if the rectangle object is very clear (refer attached image 1).

However, I have no idea to detect the rectangle edge if the image full with noise (refer attached image description and image description).

I can easily detect the noise's rectangle edge using eVision library as show attached file (refer attached image description).

Can anyone help me to find what OpenCV methodology should I use to detect the noise's rectangle edge?

Appreciated and Thanks!

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1 answer

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answered 2014-10-15 06:53:56 -0600

Several steps you could do to improve this

  1. Apply a blur filter so that only large general structures are visible.
  2. Now do a canny edge detector on this blurred image.
  3. Then apply the HoughLinesP operator and remove the small lines by setting a minimum length.

The result will already be much better than expected.

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Asked: 2014-10-14 23:15:47 -0600

Seen: 505 times

Last updated: Oct 15 '14