Why openCV does not work in VC++ 2008 and 2010?

asked 2014-06-11 12:27:58 -0600

I'm newbie in OpenCV. I created a project as Win32 application, not console application. The first openCV call

m_image = cvLoadImage(filename,1) fails with message

An unhandled exception of type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException' occurred in UnuaProjekto.exe

The variable filename contains a valid path (returned from OpenFileDialog) to a BMP file.

What can I try?


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  • do yourself a favour, and start with an empty project
  • check , what you linked. right vs version ? got all debug/release correct ?
  • avoid the outdated c-api (cv* functions, IplImages), use the c++ api instead.
berak gravatar imageberak ( 2014-06-12 00:37:20 -0600 )edit