from 32bit to 64bit
I'm working with opencv for couple of months under windows 32bit,with eclipse and mingw. Now I tried to migrate to 64bit and encountered so many errors... is there tutorial for setting up opencv under 64bit OS ... ?
p.p. Now my program go through build, link without errors, but when start it crashes... my favorite "dont send" window.....
Actually if your program crashes, then it reads 32bit libraries. Make sure that you have replaced x86 by x64 in your configurations and that you direct your path to the correct variables. You should also make sure that all 32 bit configurations are disabled, since the name of the actual dll's and lib's do not differ.
With that compiles: g++ "-IW:\Software\opencv\build\include" -O0 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -o "src\HelloWorld.o" "..\src\HelloWorld.cpp"
g++ "-LW:\Software\opencv\build\x64\mingw\lib" -o HelloWorld.exe "src\HelloWorld.o" -lopencv_core246 -lopencv_highgui246
I checked everything 10 times, and reinstall but without any result...
when i compile only one cout runs, but when i try to run opencv crashes ...
In PATH I have: W:\Software\opencv\build\x64\mingw\bin
Yes but is the 32 bit path still in your path variable? IF so please remove it and try again.
I'm installing on other mashine. I deleted the path in PATH and then get error for missing DLL - OK, then copy the DLLs directly to the release folder, same crash...
But are you including the correct includes for the cout functionality? Since it crashes on cout like you said?