bounding boxes for caffe model matches
I am using open cv 3.4.1 and i am sucessfuly able to import and run the google caffe model
My problem is that i want to visualize the matches in the picture. After calling forward i get the matrix of probabilities for each classifier. I need to convert this into x,y,width,height or find another to retrieve these information. Everything i found on the internet is using the Blob class which is outdated in 3.4.1 Is doing what i want but its based on yolo - and from the code i assume the result mat is not 1 * 1000 like returned from caffe.
Any help is welcome. Thank you and Greetings, Holger
the googlenet caffemodel only does classification not object detection
you need another (type of) network for that, SSD, yolo, and you need to process results in a different way
ok got it - i am trying darknet now - mentioned in the tutorial. I am bit confused about the matrix returned but will try to understand. The question from this post is answered for me by berak - you cannot do this with caffe.