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Saving displayed image with CTRL+S

recently i have noticed that we can save images from highgui window by pressing CTRL+S ( Afaik it is only for windows platform ).

when CTRL+S pressed a save dialog appears and you can choose the format of image to save. but all the formats listed in the save dialog.

as shown below i tried to modify source code to check if image formats supported by compiled library ( for example my library compiled only WITH_JPEG option)

i could not do #ifdef HAVE_PNG, need help at this point. thanks in advance.

 static void showSaveDialog(CvWindow* window)
    if (!window || !window->image)

    SIZE sz;
    int channels;
    void* data;
    if (icvGetBitmapData(window, &sz, &channels, &data))
        return; // nothing to save

    char szFileName[MAX_PATH] = "";
    // try to use window title as file name
    GetWindowText(window->frame, szFileName, MAX_PATH);

    ZeroMemory(&ofn, sizeof(ofn));
    // we are not going to use new fields any way
    ofn.lStructSize = OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400;
    ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn);
    ofn.hwndOwner = window->hwnd;

 //  *** need help here,how to check HAVE_PNG ?? #ifdef HAVE_PNG ***
   ofn.lpstrFilter = "Portable Network Graphics files (*.png)\0*.png\0"
#ifdef HAVE_JPEG
                      "JPEG files (*.jpeg;*.jpg;*.jpe)\0*.jpeg;*.jpg;*.jpe\0"
                      "Windows bitmap (*.bmp;*.dib)\0*.bmp;*.dib\0"
#ifdef HAVE_TIFF
                      "TIFF Files (*.tiff;*.tif)\0*.tiff;*.tif\0"
                      "JPEG-2000 files (*.jp2)\0*.jp2\0"
#ifdef HAVE_WEBP
                      "WebP files (*.webp)\0*.webp\0"
                      "Portable image format (*.pbm;*.pgm;*.ppm;*.pxm;*.pnm)\0*.pbm;*.pgm;*.ppm;*.pxm;*.pnm\0"
                      "OpenEXR Image files (*.exr)\0*.exr\0"
                      "Radiance HDR (*.hdr;*.pic)\0*.hdr;*.pic\0"
                      "Sun raster files (*.sr;*.ras)\0*.sr;*.ras\0"
                      "All Files (*.*)\0*.*\0";
    ofn.lpstrFile = szFileName;
    ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH;
    ofn.lpstrDefExt = "png";

    if (GetSaveFileName(&ofn))
        cv::Mat tmp; cv::flip(cv::Mat(,, CV_8UC(channels), data), tmp, 0);
        cv::imwrite(szFileName, tmp);

Saving displayed image with CTRL+S

recently i have noticed that we can save images from highgui window by pressing CTRL+S ( Afaik it is only for windows platform ).

when CTRL+S pressed a save dialog appears and you can choose the format of image to save. but all the formats listed in the save dialog.

as shown below i tried to modify source code to check if image formats supported by compiled library ( for example my library compiled only WITH_JPEG option)

i could not do #ifdef HAVE_PNG, need help at this point. thanks in advance.

 static void showSaveDialog(CvWindow* window)
    if (!window || !window->image)

    SIZE sz;
    int channels;
    void* data;
    if (icvGetBitmapData(window, &sz, &channels, &data))
        return; // nothing to save

    char szFileName[MAX_PATH] = "";
    // try to use window title as file name
    GetWindowText(window->frame, szFileName, MAX_PATH);

    ZeroMemory(&ofn, sizeof(ofn));
    // we are not going to use new fields any way
    ofn.lStructSize = OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400;
    ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn);
    ofn.hwndOwner = window->hwnd;

 //  *** need help here,how to check HAVE_PNG ?? #ifdef HAVE_PNG ***
   ofn.lpstrFilter = "Portable Network Graphics files (*.png)\0*.png\0"
#ifdef HAVE_JPEG
                      "JPEG files (*.jpeg;*.jpg;*.jpe)\0*.jpeg;*.jpg;*.jpe\0"
                      "Windows bitmap (*.bmp;*.dib)\0*.bmp;*.dib\0"
#ifdef HAVE_TIFF
                      "TIFF Files (*.tiff;*.tif)\0*.tiff;*.tif\0"
                      "JPEG-2000 files (*.jp2)\0*.jp2\0"
#ifdef HAVE_WEBP
                      "WebP files (*.webp)\0*.webp\0"
                      "Portable image format (*.pbm;*.pgm;*.ppm;*.pxm;*.pnm)\0*.pbm;*.pgm;*.ppm;*.pxm;*.pnm\0"
                      "OpenEXR Image files (*.exr)\0*.exr\0"
                      "Radiance HDR (*.hdr;*.pic)\0*.hdr;*.pic\0"
                      "Sun raster files (*.sr;*.ras)\0*.sr;*.ras\0"
                      "All Files (*.*)\0*.*\0";
    ofn.lpstrFile = szFileName;
    ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH;
    ofn.lpstrDefExt = "png";

    if (GetSaveFileName(&ofn))
        cv::Mat tmp; cv::flip(cv::Mat(,, CV_8UC(channels), data), tmp, 0);
        cv::imwrite(szFileName, tmp);

Saving displayed image with CTRL+S

recently i have noticed that we can save images from highgui window by pressing CTRL+S ( Afaik it is only for windows platform ).

when CTRL+S pressed a save dialog appears and you can choose the format of image to save. but all the formats listed in the save dialog.

as shown below i tried to modify source code to check if image formats supported by compiled library ( for example my library compiled only WITH_JPEG option)

i could not do #ifdef HAVE_PNG, need help at this point. thanks in advance.

 static void showSaveDialog(CvWindow* window)
    if (!window || !window->image)

EDIT : here SIZE sz; int channels; void* data; if (icvGetBitmapData(window, &sz, &channels, &data)) return; // nothing to save char szFileName[MAX_PATH] = ""; // try to use window title as file name GetWindowText(window->frame, szFileName, MAX_PATH); OPENFILENAME ofn; ZeroMemory(&ofn, sizeof(ofn)); #ifdef OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400 // we are not going to use new fields any way ofn.lStructSize = OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400; #else ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); #endif ofn.hwndOwner = window->hwnd; // *** need help here,how to check HAVE_PNG ?? #ifdef HAVE_PNG *** ofn.lpstrFilter = "Portable Network Graphics files (*.png)\0*.png\0" #ifdef HAVE_JPEG "JPEG files (*.jpeg;*.jpg;*.jpe)\0*.jpeg;*.jpg;*.jpe\0" #endif "Windows bitmap (*.bmp;*.dib)\0*.bmp;*.dib\0" #ifdef HAVE_TIFF "TIFF Files (*.tiff;*.tif)\0*.tiff;*.tif\0" #endif #ifdef HAVE_JASPER "JPEG-2000 files (*.jp2)\0*.jp2\0" #endif #ifdef HAVE_WEBP "WebP files (*.webp)\0*.webp\0" #endif "Portable image format (*.pbm;*.pgm;*.ppm;*.pxm;*.pnm)\0*.pbm;*.pgm;*.ppm;*.pxm;*.pnm\0" #ifdef HAVE_OPENEXR "OpenEXR Image files (*.exr)\0*.exr\0" #endif "Radiance HDR (*.hdr;*.pic)\0*.hdr;*.pic\0" "Sun raster files (*.sr;*.ras)\0*.sr;*.ras\0" "All Files (*.*)\0*.*\0"; ofn.lpstrFile = szFileName; ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; ofn.Flags = OFN_EXPLORER | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT | OFN_NOREADONLYRETURN | OFN_NOCHANGEDIR; ofn.lpstrDefExt = "png"; if (GetSaveFileName(&ofn)) { cv::Mat tmp; cv::flip(cv::Mat(,, CV_8UC(channels), data), tmp, 0); cv::imwrite(szFileName, tmp); } }

what i have achieved

Saving displayed image with CTRL+S

recently i have noticed that we can save images from highgui window by pressing CTRL+S ( Afaik it is only for windows platform ).

when CTRL+S pressed a save dialog appears and you can choose the format of image to save. but all the formats listed in the save dialog.......

as shown below i tried to modify source code to check if image formats supported by compiled library ( for example my library compiled only WITH_JPEG option)

i could not do #ifdef HAVE_PNG, need help at this point. thanks in advance.. ...

EDIT : : here what i have achievedit's done!