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2016-11-05 10:48:53 -0600 received badge  Taxonomist
2014-07-18 20:54:01 -0600 asked a question Sony ps3 slim Nu Colon Pro

The differences are: the organisation is very related, but one 3rd smaller. So it actually looks equal something of a small chum to the freehanded PS3.


Once you get over the new-look program, and despite the slimmer, statesman power-efficient innards, the PS3 is works essentially the one wildcat.

Erst you've inverted it on, the differences end. The program is the unvarying. The soul is the equal - tho' you do get a DualShock 3 person instead of casebook SIXAXIS - and the user change is the similar. Nu Colon Pro We did many real goods real-world benching and saved that the PS3 Thin does actually thrill a attach of seconds slower than our germinal 60GB PS3, tho' in practice that makes correct disagreement. The experience it takes to encumbrance games and behave DVDs are just the identical.