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2014-08-16 15:57:49 -0600 asked a question Im super confused: OPENCV or

I'm a newbie in the field of Image processing/ Object recognition. Im having a project that segregates waste to its classification. in order to classify the waste, each waste must be recognize. in simple human eye understanding: 1. We see a banana peel. we recognize it as a banana peel a biodegradable material in computer vision 1. Recognize that object using Haar-Classifier, Surft, HOG im not so sure what algorithm be used in recognizing objects.

but I am very confuse on what tool to use OPENCV or since I notice that most of the tutorials are mostly using opencv. but me as a beginner what tool should I use?

2014-08-13 13:28:52 -0600 asked a question OpenCV Object Detection for trash segregation

I am making a Smart Trashbin project that segregates trashes to its classification. Biodegradable and Non-Biodegradable and I wanted what is the best image processing technique to use.

thank you :)

2014-07-16 22:06:21 -0600 commented question Image Processing using OPEN CV for Waste Segregation

Sir Steven. what method is the training of object modes to each type? does it a technique in image processing?

2014-07-16 18:55:17 -0600 commented question Image Processing using OPEN CV for Waste Segregation

the project is doable by the means of image processing.

2014-07-15 13:19:06 -0600 commented question Image Processing using OPEN CV for Waste Segregation

you mean sir, by clustering the the type of trash.

can you elaborate sir

2014-07-14 18:37:14 -0600 asked a question Image Processing using OPEN CV for Waste Segregation

I am a senior computer engineering student trying to create a project that will Identify trashes like plastic bottles, tin cans, and other recyclable stuffs and be compared to biodegradable trash.

I would like to ask it it is doable by the means of image processing?