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2012-10-19 11:44:12 -0600 answered a question Use stereo matching algorithms with more than one image pair?

3d surface reconstruction using openCV examples I am trying to perform a 3D surface reconstruction from a stereo configuration with OpenCV example files. I have created a stereo camera from 2 web cams. I have obtained the calibration parameters using stereo_calib.cpp ( ) and generated a point cloud with stereo_match.cpp ( ). The resulting point cloud, opened with MeshLab doesn't resemble the original scene at all ( ).

What am I missing here?

Steps to recreate:

stereo_calib (on the same folder where the images are, with no arguments so it assumes default) stereo_match left01.jpg right01.jpg -i intrinsics.yml -e extrinsics.yml -p cloud.asc import cloud.asc on MeshLab Thanks