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2014-07-08 20:31:39 -0600 commented question how to get IntPtr data from byte[]

@thdrksdfthmn MIplImage inherits from Mat, both of them have the IntPtr data, so I guess Mat will not help.... @berak I already asked on at the same time, but also no answers ...

2014-07-07 21:59:09 -0600 asked a question how to get IntPtr data from byte[]

there are already image data in byte[] arr, 3 channels of bmp file, and also a MIplImage raw reated for it. how to get raw.imageData from arr? using CvInvoke.cvSetData() failed, as 2 parameters both need IntPtr type; using Marshal.StructureToPtr() passed compile, but crush when runs, indicates "Specify the structure must be able to directly copied to the unit structure, or has the layout information" so, how can I get the imagedata of byte[] into IntPtr for MIplImage?