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2014-07-07 00:16:36 -0600 asked a question Write emotion recognition's data to a text file

This is a application that can recognize emotion of happy/sad/anger/neutral/disgust/surprise.

The image below is the the application.

image description

Here is the problem, I want to write all these emotion's data(percentage) to a text file, is that possible? For example, I run the application for 30 seconds, for every second, the percentage of these emotion is shown.

How can I do so? is that possible? OpenCV-FILE I/O XML and YAML seems doesn't fit my purpose.

Anyone can help me with this would really appreciate.

Thank you so much in advance.

2014-07-06 07:37:18 -0600 commented answer Display percentage instead of line

Thank you so much sir, I already solved the problem this morning, but anyway thank you so much, I really appreciate, the max value really help me.

2014-07-05 08:23:01 -0600 asked a question How to draw float number on a video/image?

As title.

thank you so much.

2014-07-05 03:41:59 -0600 asked a question Display percentage instead of line

This is a application can recognize emotions of happy/sad/anger/neutral/disgust/surprise.

The image below is my current work , but I want to display percentage instead of line, but I not sure how.

image description

Here is the part of code that display the line and emotion :


    int start=12, step=15, current;
    current = start;
    for(int i = 0; i < N_EXPRESSIONS; i++, current+=step) 
                    //this line display the emotion.
        cvPutText(img, EXP_NAMES[i], cvPoint(5, current), &font, expColor);

    expressions = get_class_weights(features);

    current = start - 3; 
    for(int i = 0; i < N_EXPRESSIONS; i++, current+=step) 
    {       //this line display the green line but I want to display percentage.
        cvLine(img, cvPoint(80, current), cvPoint((int)(<double>(0,i)*50), current), expColor, 2);

    current += step + step;
    if(showFeatures == 1)
        for(int i=0; i<N_FEATURES; i++)
            current += step;
            char buf[4];
            sprintf(buf, "%.2f",<float>(0,i));
            cvPutText(img, buf, cvPoint(5, current), &font, expColor);
2014-07-02 06:02:14 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2014-07-02 06:01:14 -0600 asked a question Display percentage of a person happy/anger/sad/neutral/disgust/surprise

This application can recognize a person emotion happy,anger,sad,neutral,disgust,surprise. For example when a person smiling, the happy's bar will increase.

The image below are my current work and code but I want to add percentage to the bar, or maybe just percentage instead of bar? How can I do so??

I had search the Q&A, but I couldn't found anything related.

Thank you in advanced..