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2016-11-04 13:13:55 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2014-07-01 06:01:45 -0600 asked a question hangs

I'm trying to read frames from rtsp stream.

If I use the deprecated c++ api : m_pStreamCapture = cvCaptureFromAVI(m_videoSourceUrl); m_streamNextFrame = cvQueryFrame(m_pStreamCapture);

Then it works. (slow and not that nice quality, but works)

But when I try using the new c++ API, the call hangs. (and never returns).

I do check the device is opened before trying to read the frame.

Thank you

2014-07-01 03:26:14 -0600 asked a question Setting timeout to

I try to read a network stream, but when I use it doesn't return.
I'm not sure exactly why but ofcourse It has to be returned (null or not).
Is there any way of setting a timeout for the read() ?

Thank you

2014-07-01 02:53:58 -0600 commented question Getting frames directly from frame grabber

Ill try do some more research on this.. thanks !

2014-07-01 01:39:24 -0600 commented question Getting frames directly from frame grabber

I also tried the new Video Capture Interface and all frames are empty, the device isOpened when using index 0 and '-1', so I guess the frame grabber is found but drames aren't getting read.

2014-06-30 02:00:12 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2014-06-30 01:59:52 -0600 asked a question Getting frames directly from frame grabber

Hi Is there any way I can get frames directly from frame grabber ?
I can get the video via VLC so I think there shouldn't be an issue.
The thing is I can't get it to work using the standard API in c++ (cvCaptureFromCAM())