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2015-11-28 01:18:06 -0600 asked a question Is it thread safe?

In the file modules\core\src\system.cpp there is this peace of code:

TLSData<CoreTLSData>& getCoreTlsData()
    static TLSData<CoreTLSData> *value = new TLSData<CoreTLSData>();
    return *value;

I am using Visual Studio 2013 and getting hard to reproduce crashes.

2014-06-16 03:48:07 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2014-06-16 03:47:43 -0600 asked a question Visual Studio: when OpenCV uses IPP

I have installed Intel IPP and OpenCV default binaries, that is DLLs and LIBs that are packages with the official installer. Is there a way for OpenCV algorithms to use IPP or I need to compile my own binaries?

Also, do official binaries use Eigen linear algebra library by default? I guess so, because Eigen is header only, but still need confirmation.
