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2012-10-12 02:07:32 -0600 answered a question Unhandled exception: facerecognizer vs2010 windows 7 x64.

Hi everyone, I'm using OpenCv 2.4.2 and Visual Studio 2010 on a 64-bit system. I try to use fisherfaces for gender classification. I build my own database with 310 males and 240 females (all the same size: 59x65 pixel). I try to compile the example from you Mr Wagner:

but the functions imread() and model->train(images, labels) always failed! Now I fixed the problem by including the debug library files. The system variable is set to C:\opencv\build\lib\debug and the training is now working fine, but the prediction step:

int predictedLabel = model->predict(testSample) causes an opencv error

"OpenCV Error: Image step is wrong (The matrix is not continuous, thus its number of rows can not be changed) in unknown function, file ......\modules\core\src\matrix.cpp, line 801",

although the testSample has the same size like the training data!

What is now wrong? Can you help me please?



2012-10-11 07:12:20 -0600 answered a question Unhandled exception: facerecognizer vs2010 windows 7 x64.


I have now a similar problem:

I'm using OpenCv 2.4.2 and Visual Studio 2010 on a 64-bit system, Windows 7.

I try to use fisherfaces for gender classification. I build my own database with 310 males and 240 females (all the same size: 59x65 pixel). I try to compile the example from you Mr. Wagner

First, I had problems with imread() and model->train(img,labs), than I fixed the problem by including the debug library files. The system variable is set to C:\opencv\build\lib\debug and the training is now working fine, but the prediction step:

int predictedLabel = model->predict(testSample);

is not working. I get the OpenCv error:

"OpenCV Error: Image step is wrong (The matrix is not continuous, thus its number of rows can not be changed) in unknown function, file ......\modules\core\src \matrix.cpp, line 801",

although the testSample has the same size like the training data!

What is now wrong?

