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2016-04-26 06:19:16 -0600 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2015-08-16 05:20:56 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2015-04-16 23:29:05 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2014-06-01 13:25:32 -0600 commented question Open eyes / closed eyes in Opencv

You can try this too, get some images of eyes closed and some images of open eyes... Create a CSV file, train your data and use one image as as test...

2014-06-01 13:12:35 -0600 commented answer Missing createFisherFaceRecognizer method on android.

@berak, look this

I can import contrib.hpp, but when eclipse build my app, it tells me that contrib.hpp not exists.

2014-06-01 07:17:22 -0600 commented answer Missing createFisherFaceRecognizer method on android.

Hi @berak, I did what you said to me. But I'm in trouble, ndk build is telling me that it can't find contrib.cpp. Look my sreenshot.

If I change facerec.cpp to, ndk-build inform that is unsupported. See:

I tried to change include to #include contrib.hpp, because on my include folder there is one folder /usr/local/include/opencv2/contrib. And, again, it not works. I think it is one eclipse problem, because I create one myPatch/test.c and add myPatch/ to my include patch, and eclipse does not found test.c. What do you think about it?

Thanks again to really helping me!!

2014-05-31 10:09:08 -0600 asked a question "contrib.hpp" not found.

I followed opencv tutorial and add my opecv patch to contrib.hpp ( myPatch/sdk/native/include). But it not works. Can someone tell me what is my error?

This is my screenshot.

2014-05-30 05:46:42 -0600 asked a question Missing createFisherFaceRecognizer method on android.

I'm followed this [tutorial] to detect facial expression. I build this using my pc and saved "model->save(fileName)". Now I want to load this on my android phone. But I cant find this method. What I have to do?

Thanks. (