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2015-10-26 19:01:47 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2014-05-21 01:31:22 -0600 asked a question For what reasons can VideoWriter open() return false? Need help debugging.


I need more insight into why my app is failing without error, only with a false returned from VideoWriter's (C++) open method. I've written a simple console app which works well in OS X and have ported it to Raspberry Pi. OpenCV was compiled with ffmpeg. I have tried converting a source video to an mp4 directly with ffmpeg on the command line successfully there so ffmpeg is present and has the codec. I've tried the fourcc combos, mp4v, mpg4, h264 and others. I've also tried strace but I don't know how to interpret it properly yet. I believe I compiled opencv 2.4.8. Advice?