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2014-05-19 01:16:02 -0600 commented question The object files for namesapace cv

thanks mate....I have got it using CMake and by far I must say openCV has the most active members and users than any other programming forum ever...anyway thanks a million

2014-05-18 12:33:19 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2014-05-18 09:38:38 -0600 commented question The object files for namesapace cv

k, how do I do that?

2014-05-18 08:17:44 -0600 asked a question The object files for namesapace cv

What I am trying do is basically create a wrapper function for Mingw g++ so that once it is complied ...the exe can automatically be used from the cmd line to compile openCV programs...and I have almost completed it. The only problem is with the cv namespace functions like cv::VideoCapture and all are throwing a linker exception, all the old functions seem to run pretty smoothly though...for libraries I have used the <opencv dir="">/build/x86/vc12/lib and also took the pain to mention all the libs in the wrapper program...still the cv namespace is giving me a hell of a problem. All I need the location of those object files and then its wrapper will be officially complete...and please don't give me any bull** that I will have to use MSVS cuz I really hate bloated IDEs.

This is basically what is being given to the cmd line:

g++ myPro.cpp -o MyPro -I"<the headers="" location="">" -L"<opencv>/build/x86/vc12/lib" -lopencv_core249...............(all the libs)

So what am I am doing wrong exactly....please help me out if you can so that I can upload my code as opensource and give other programmers chance to compile openCV programs directly from the cmd line