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2012-10-07 10:44:27 -0600 asked a question OpenCv 2.4.2 : imread/imwrite

Hello everybody, I work with the librairie OpenCv 2.4.2.My question is : this Librairie has the 2 function imread/imwrite? because i have working with opencv2.0 when i removed to opencv 2.4.2 it doesn't regognize them the error is :

indefined refference to 'cv::namewindow(std::string const&,int)' Thanks everybody

hey i m stuck with this problem...plz somebody help me!! how can i configure dev c++ for open cv 2.4.2......

I am having trouble with the accuracy of my OpenCv tracking program. Some of the issues I am getting are 1) the program doesn't always pick up reasonably sized objects moving at a normal pace. 2) The tracking circle does not accurately represent the object being tracked.

Does anyone know how I could improve these issues? If its more than just a quick fix, I am willing to compensate someone for their time in this adjustment. Thanks