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2020-04-06 04:30:16 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2017-06-05 01:21:22 -0600 asked a question phaseCorrelate validity

Hi, i am using phaseCorrelate() function to find translation between two images in a video, and its working fine, but in certain cases, the value remain constant(plot shows that its a constant straight line). Is there a way to find the validity of the output of phaseCorrelate() function ?

2017-06-04 09:48:43 -0600 commented question Single affine parameter vector for whole image

No, in my case motion is large. Is that effective ?

2017-06-04 09:02:48 -0600 commented question Single affine parameter vector for whole image

Actually I have images of a planar surface like floor and I want to calculate afine transform parameters between two floor images without using any feature points. Because in some situations we don't have feature points available. If there is another method for this problem, please tell. I don't need dense flow, I need one constant flow value(affine) for a single image.

2017-06-04 02:28:23 -0600 asked a question Single affine parameter vector for whole image

I have an image of size 240x320. I want to calculate single affine parameter vector (6 parameter vector) for whole image using pyramids based Lukas and Kanade. The routine availbale in opencv calculates the dense model parameters, i.e. the parameters for all pixels separately, But i want one affine model for whole image. I have written my own routine but it slower, is there a builtin method in opencv..?

2017-06-04 00:12:11 -0600 commented answer What is best practice to solve least square problem AX = B

X = invert(AT* A) AT* B is taking 4 min and 37 sec while solve is taking 8 min and 34 secs for a video on which i am working. Is there any thing more fast.?

2017-06-03 16:17:37 -0600 asked a question What is best practice to solve least square problem AX = B

Hi, i have a system of linear equations AX = B where A is 76800x6, B is 76800x1 and we have to find X, which is 6x1. I was using X = invert(AT* A) AT* B where AT is transpose of A. But i want to increase the speed of operation and also it dose not protect my calculation under singularity conditions. Is there any faster way to do this.?

2017-05-18 06:04:42 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2017-05-16 12:20:50 -0600 commented question Data types for ORB feature detector

mono8: CV_8UC1, grayscale image MONO8 is also gray scale encoding, with each pixel of 8bits

2017-05-16 11:21:02 -0600 asked a question Data types for ORB feature detector

Hi, I am receiving images from a ROS Publisher Node. A Subscriber node receives the image, converts it using cvbridge into a Mat object with MONO8 encoding. Then ORB feature detector detects the features in this image. But the problem is the ORB doesn't detect any thing. The same code is working when i read the same image from memory using imread command. I think this is due to MONO8 encoding. So which encoding is compatible with ORB feature detection in Opencv.?

2017-05-12 06:05:27 -0600 commented answer Convert several 1D mat to a single 2D mat in OpenCV

Thanks alot, really appreciated, I was stuck in it since last two days

2017-05-12 06:02:37 -0600 received badge  Scholar (source)
2017-05-12 04:17:23 -0600 asked a question Convert several 1D mat to a single 2D mat in OpenCV

I am new to opencv. I have six 1200x1 Mat objects/variables. I want to make a single Mat variable which is 1200x6. How to do this? For example, i have six mat objects a,b,c,d,e,f of 1200x1 size and now i want to make A = [a,b,c,d,e,f] , which is 1200x6 size. Please help

2017-03-23 06:17:01 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2017-03-22 23:57:34 -0600 asked a question make error in openCV tuitorial example code

Hi. I am new to openCV and just started learning through openCV online documents. I know its a naive question but i cant get through. I have installed the openCV and CMake. Now i created a directory <opencv_examples> and put a CMakeLists.txt and DisplayImage.cpp file, which displays an image, its a simple example code given in docsopencv then in the <opencv_examples> directory, i type: cmake and the make, But i am getting following error make: * No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.

Any idea why.?