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2014-04-23 17:19:20 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2014-04-22 10:20:17 -0600 asked a question Classifier database


This is a newbie question...I am new to OpenCV, and I have a question on re-using existing classifier database?

Is it possible to re-use the classifier xml files and is there a publicly available database of common objects?

I don't want to spend too much time training classifiers, if this is available in public domain, I did rather use that?

Thanks, Rajesh

2014-04-22 10:16:49 -0600 asked a question opencv_createsamples doesn't create the vec file

Hi ,

I am using the tutorial for opencv_createsamples

I am using a simple object like banana, and I have saved a banana image of size 276x183 I have a negative image of a scene, which I saved at a size of 365x274

When I execute the command opencv_createsamples, it doesn't create any vec file. No errors?

C:\Tools\OpenCV\opencv\build\x64\vc10\bin\opencv_createsamples -vec banana.vec -img ./postive_images/1.jpg -bg ./negative_images/1.jpg -num 10 -bgcolor 0 -bgthresh 0 -maxxangle 1.1 -maxyangle 1.1 maxzangle 0.5 -maxidev 40 - w 80 -h 40

Info file name: (NULL)

Img file name: ./postive_images/1.jpg

Vec file name: banana.vec

BG file name: ./negative_images/1.jpg

Num: 10 BG
color: 0

BG threshold: 0

Invert: FALSE

Max intensity deviation: 40

Max x angle: 1.1

Max y angle: 1.1

Max z angle: 0.5

Show samples: FALSE

Width: 80

Height: 40

Create training samples from single image applying distortions...


What am I doing wrong.

Thanks, Rajesh