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2020-02-24 08:10:21 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2014-08-13 13:40:01 -0600 commented answer OpenCV 2.4.6 Build/link errors with CUDA and OpenGL

Hey! I had successfully compiled opencv 2.4.8 with CUDA and openGL. With QT disabled. But I needed to make some GUI, hence decided to add QT support but now I am running into a lot errors. e.g. Automoc for target opencv_highgui Generating moc_window_QT.cpp Exit code 0xc0000135 @mrzl you said that you compiled opencv with the WITH_QT option DISABLED and are still using QT how is that possible?

2014-08-13 13:39:35 -0600 answered a question OpenCV 2.4.6 Build/link errors with CUDA and OpenGL

Hey! I had successfully compiled opencv 2.4.8 with CUDA and openGL. With QT disabled. But I needed to make some GUI, hence decided to add QT support but now I am running into a lot errors. e.g. Automoc for target opencv_highgui Generating moc_window_QT.cpp Exit code 0xc0000135 @mrzl you said that you compiled opencv with the WITH_QT option DISABLED and are still using QT how is that possible?

2014-04-29 17:39:27 -0600 commented question nvcc fatal : Unknown option 'dc' opencv with cuda

I also forgot to mention that in my prior build without WITH_NVCUID option there was no gpu folder in my build.

2014-04-29 17:25:06 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2014-04-29 17:24:11 -0600 asked a question nvcc fatal : Unknown option 'dc' opencv with cuda


I am trying to build opencv 2.4.8 with cuda 4.2 I was under the impression that one only has to check with_CUDA to get it working and I did just that it compiled ok but when I tried to process any video or image it would give an error like function (cvImageShow) not implemented. One of the answers mentioned that I need WITH_NVCUVID on, so tried that but I am running into

nvcc fatal : Unknown option 'dc'

problem now.

I am using
Windows 7 64 bit
Visual studio 2010
opencv 2.4.8
cuda 4.2
graphics card Nvidia GForce 9500 GT

2014-04-21 22:39:34 -0600 asked a question LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '..\..\lib\Debug\opencv_core248d.lib'


I am trying to compile opencv with Cuda, using cmake and visual studio 2013, on windows 7 64 bit. I am compiling 2.4.8 revision of opencv. I am using

tutorial. So I downloaded cuda 6.0. I made .sln file in build folder using cmake, when i open it and try to build it (either release or debug) it give the following error. (of course incase of release it's '... opencv_core248.lib')

LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '....\lib\Debug\opencv_core248d.lib'

Any help would be appreciated, I have checked many places but couldn't find any conclusive answer.