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2014-05-05 10:44:10 -0600 commented question Android x86_64 support?

Yes, I have access to a 64-bit NDK.

2014-04-24 14:32:43 -0600 commented answer Android x86_64 support?

Yes, I know that ARM is not x86. The point I was making is that 64-bit is coming to BOTH platforms, so OpenCV needs to be available for those platforms; I was specifically requesting x86_64 support. Android apps will compile to 64-bit under both Dalvik and ART automatically once those VM's have been ported, but native code (OpenCV-based shared libraries, etc.) will need to be compiled against the 64-bit NDK/OpenCV toolchain.

2014-04-23 12:53:16 -0600 received badge  Critic (source)
2014-04-23 10:38:58 -0600 commented answer Android x86_64 support?

64-bit android for Baytrail devices are available, and more are coming. Also 64-bit ARM devices will be available Q4/early Q1 '15.

2014-04-18 17:00:13 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2014-04-18 15:31:40 -0600 asked a question Android x86_64 support?


I am wondering what the planned support for Android x86_64 is, and when it will be available?

Looking at the current version, there is no file for building.

