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2019-10-25 17:24:06 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2014-04-20 09:18:55 -0600 asked a question camera bugs in opencv sdk 2.4.8


i run sample in opencv2.4.8 sdk on allwinner a10 pad which has one 1.0G Hz arm A8 core. i find the sequence of frame retrieved from camera is in chaos.the previous frame is interlaced with later frame.and if i run the same sample on faster chip such as mt6589 platform which has four 1.2Ghz A7 core,i could get correct sequence of frame.i test capture camera in native c++ mode and java mode,i could get same result.the difference between two mode is native capture fps is better than jave camera capture.and the incorrect sequence of frame is less in native mode.

who could tell me why the sequence of frame from camera is not correct in poor performance arm platform?in this case,if my algorithm is some complex,the project will fall into chaos.

thanks anyway.

2014-04-17 19:59:18 -0600 asked a question could android activity get IplImage* object from jni c++ func

hi,expert i know native opencv c++ code could not include cvNamedwindow func and similar func in android platform.and i want to check my image result from native c++ computation in android to do?i guess there are some way to get IplImage object from jni function like JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_XXX_XXX_XXX_LibXXX_XXXMain(JNIEnv * env, jobject obj) and if i could get the object in java activity,i could show it in activity window.


i read \OpenCV-2.4.8-android-sdk\samples\native-activity,it maybe a sample which show capture video in native maybe my desired sample. unfortunatly i could not compile because eclipse could find don't know why.I can find the package dir in path written in ,but eclipse could not find.i could not understand the sample native-activity.anyone understand native-activity?could anybody tell me how to show lplImage in native window?hope for example code line?

any clue?any light?any way?I would appreciate all.thanks

2014-04-17 05:12:33 -0600 asked a question access camera by android native and error:OpenCV::camera(5764): calling (*pGetPropertyC)(0xb0c88, 0)

i access camera by native c++ func code based on OpenCV-2.4.8-android-sdk and eclipse android target is android2.3.3.My hardware is on android4.0.1. when i run project ,errors as below

04-17 17:42:21.927: E/OpenCV::camera(10598): calling (*pGetPropertyC)(0xb0c88, 0)

04-17 17:42:21.977: E/OpenCV::camera(10598): calling (*pGetPropertyC)(0xb0c88, 1)

04-17 17:42:21.977: E/OpenCV::camera(10598): calling (*pGetPropertyC)(0xb0c88, 3)

and i could get photo from camera,but i dont like above can i remove these errors?

could any nice expert give me some light?thanks

2014-04-17 03:34:52 -0600 commented question cant find when run and cant compile static library and cvnamewindow error

thanks berak.there are some code like cvNamedWindow("xxx",1); in my cpp.your means we could not use cvNamedWindow in native mode?thans again.

2014-04-17 02:09:10 -0600 asked a question cant find when run and cant compile static library and cvnamewindow error

hi,expert i use OpenCV-2.4.8-android-sdk and android-ndk-r8-crystax-1 to build my .so lib for android project.when i compile in non-static mode,i can success.however,when i compile in static mode that is add OPENCV_LIB_TYPE:=STATIC in i find errors as follow:

D:/android-ndk-r8-crystax-1/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/prebuilt/windows/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-linux /ld.exe: ../../../sdk/native/jni/../3rdparty/libs/armeabi/libIlmImf.a(ImfStdIO.cpp.o): in function Imf::St t._ZN3Imf11StdIFStream5seekgEy+0x16): error: undefined reference to 'std::istream::seekg(std::fpos<mbstate< p="">

D:/android-ndk-r8-crystax-1/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/prebuilt/windows/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-linux /ld.exe: ../../../sdk/native/jni/../3rdparty/libs/armeabi/libIlmImf.a(ImfStdIO.cpp.o): in function Imf::St t._ZN3Imf11StdOSStream5seekpEy+0x18): error: undefined reference to 'std::ostream::seekp(std::fpos<mbstate< p="">

D:/android-ndk-r8-crystax-1/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/prebuilt/windows/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-linux /ld.exe: ../../../sdk/native/jni/../3rdparty/libs/armeabi/libIlmImf.a(ImfStdIO.cpp.o): in function Imf::St t._ZN3Imf11StdOFStream5seekpEy+0x16): error: undefined reference to 'std::ostream::seekp(std::fpos<mbstate< p="">

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make: * [D:/OpenCV-2.4.8-android-sdk/samples/smokedetect//obj/local/armeabi/] Error 1

if i use non-static mode,i can get my successfully.but i use .so in eclipse.when i run in my hardware ,i get errors:

java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError ... Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load library: link_image[1936]: 85 could not load needed library '' for '' (load_library[1091]: Library '' not found) .....

could not find

at last ,i add System.loadLibrary("opencv_java"); in my java file.and copy into libs of android project.i can pass above error,but a new error as below: OpenCV Error: Unspecified error (The function is not implemented. Rebuild the library with Windows, GTK+ 2.x or Carbon support. If you are on Ubuntu or Debian, install libgtk2.0-dev and pkg-config, then re-run cmake or configure script) in cvNamedWindow, file /home/reports/ci/slave_desktop/50-SDK/opencv/modules/highgui/src/window.cpp, line 483

is there bugs in opencv2.4.8?why are there many errors when compile,link in opencv sdk? i work in windows and use opencv2.4.8 android sdk released from need to recompile in windows.i don't know why offical release is unavailable? how can i resolve it?any light would be appreciated.thanks any comment.

2014-04-17 01:58:20 -0600 commented question couldn't link successfully when i use ndk-build to complile my opencv code on android platform

thanks a lot.i follow your suggestion.i can success.but i find new problem.when i use my .so lib in eclipse android project,my run result: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError ...... Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load library: link_image[1936]: 85 could not load needed library '' .... i search on google,someone tells add OPENCV_LIB_TYPE:=STATIC in try in static library mode.but i get errors in ndk-build as below: "Compile++ thumb : SmokeDetect <= SmokeDetect.cpp SharedLibrary : ... error: undefined reference to 'std::istream::seekg(std::fpos<mbstate ... any comment? thanks

2014-04-15 07:39:54 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2014-04-15 07:28:56 -0600 asked a question couldn't link successfully when i use ndk-build to complile my opencv code on android platform

hi, i use ndk-build to compile my opencv code for android.I have successful experience on the work.but,today i fail to success.this is my log under ndk-build:

In function 'CameraWrapperConnector::getPathLibFolder()': camera_activity.cpp:
undefined reference to 'dladdr' 
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status /cygdrive/d/android-ndk-r4-crystax/build/core/ 
recipe for target '/cygdrive/e/EclipseSomkeDetect/obj/local/armeabi/' failed
make: *** [/cygdrive/e/EclipseSomkeDetect/obj/local/armeabi/] Error 1

could any expert tell me what is problem?several weeks ago,i compile opencv code successfully which include no cvcapture func .My current c++ code uses cvcapture func and could not link successfully.any message would be appreciated. someone tells you should add app_platform:=android-8 in,i try,but i fail.