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2014-04-15 04:13:30 -0600 commented question Problems with library dependencies

Added the source code and whole ouput.

2014-04-15 03:07:39 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2014-04-15 02:48:16 -0600 asked a question Problems with library dependencies

Hi there,

I'm new to Visual Studio and opencv.

I tried to setup my IDE according to this video:

At first I did setup everything for x86 and the drawing.cpp just ran fine. Well, other examples which include a webcam or load an image won't run due to missing dll's e.g. the core248.dll .

I did exactly the same things. What's been wrong with my clean installed IDE?

Thanks in advance!

'C:\opencv\build\x64\vc12\bin\opencv_core248d.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'C:\opencv\build\x64\vc12\bin\opencv_highgui248d.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'C:\opencv\build\x64\vc12\bin\opencv_imgproc248d.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.

The path is added to the systems path

Edit 2:

I'm trying to run this code:

#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"

using namespace cv;

int main(int, char**) { VideoCapture cap(0); // open the default camera if (!cap.isOpened()) // check if we succeeded return -1;

Mat edges;
namedWindow("edges", 1);
for (;;)
    Mat frame;
    cap >> frame; // get a new frame from camera
    cvtColor(frame, edges, CV_BGR2GRAY);
    GaussianBlur(edges, edges, Size(7, 7), 1.5, 1.5);
    Canny(edges, edges, 0, 30, 3);
    imshow("edges", edges);
    if (waitKey(30) >= 0) break;
// the camera will be deinitialized automatically in VideoCapture destructor
return 0;


And this is what the output says:

'ConsoleApplication_test.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Users\MarcoMeter\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\ConsoleApplication_test\x64\Debug\ConsoleApplication_test.exe'. Module was built without symbols. 'ConsoleApplication_test.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'ConsoleApplication_test.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'ConsoleApplication_test.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\KernelBase.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'ConsoleApplication_test.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\opencv\build\x64\vc12\bin\opencv_core248d.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'ConsoleApplication_test.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\opencv\build\x64\vc12\bin\opencv_highgui248d.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'ConsoleApplication_test.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\opencv\build\x64\vc12\bin\opencv_imgproc248d.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'ConsoleApplication_test.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\msvcp120.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'ConsoleApplication_test.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\msvcr120.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'ConsoleApplication_test.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\msvcp120d.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'ConsoleApplication_test.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\msvcr120d.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'ConsoleApplication_test.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\user32.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'ConsoleApplication_test.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\gdi32.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'ConsoleApplication_test.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\ole32.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'ConsoleApplication_test.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\oleaut32.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'ConsoleApplication_test.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\advapi32.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'ConsoleApplication_test.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\comctl32.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'ConsoleApplication_test.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\msvfw32.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'ConsoleApplication_test.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\avifil32.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'ConsoleApplication_test.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\avicap32.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'ConsoleApplication_test.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\combase.dll'. Symbols ... (more)