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2018-11-10 21:01:21 -0600 commented answer what might cause problems with openCV linking?

To summarise those options: g++ [source file name(s) .cpp] -o [output file name] -I[path to library's header directory;

2018-04-23 00:43:55 -0600 asked a question "OpenCV for android SDK" page is out of date

"OpenCV for android SDK" page is out of date

2017-04-26 01:38:18 -0600 commented question Need explaination about rvecs returned from SolvePnP

Don't know whether you got your answer yet, but bear in mind that (1) solvePnP gives you the translation from the camera coordinate frame to the object coordinate frame as tvec, and the rotation from the camera frame to the object frame as rvec , and (2) - which always gets me - that OpenCV specifies the camera coordinate frame as +Z=forward=from camera sensor through lens into the world, +X=right, +Y=down

2017-04-26 01:38:07 -0600 commented answer SolvePnp rvec suddenly begins to give opposite/unexpected values , is this observed before?

Thanks for the suggestion of (Boost/Quaternions) - that library is surprisingly rarely referenced.

2017-04-26 01:38:06 -0600 commented question Need explaination about rvecs returned from SolvePnP

This question, comments, and answers should help point you in the right direction too: (