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2014-06-30 05:58:40 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2014-06-30 05:49:04 -0600 asked a question Why OpenCV gpu-module runtime library has huge size difference in Windows and Linux?

In Windows the size of the runtime library (dll) of the gpu module (opencv_gpu247.dll for OpenCV 2.4.7) has the enormous size of 417 MB. I checked the size of the same library in Linux (Debian repository) and in most architectures it is about 250 KB after installation. You can see it here

Why is there such an enormous size difference in the same runtime library in different operating systems? Am I missing something?

2014-02-25 06:53:40 -0600 asked a question VideoCapture problem in debug mode

Has anyone tried to use VideoCapture to open a video file in debug mode in Visual Studio. I use VS 2010 and it doesn't seem to work. I works perfectly when I run the program.