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2014-02-13 14:14:24 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2014-02-13 13:45:11 -0600 commented answer CMake Error: INSTALL(EXPORT) given unknown export "OpenCVModules"

Same result as before.

2014-02-12 10:32:20 -0600 commented question CMake Error: INSTALL(EXPORT) given unknown export "OpenCVModules"

I have this position of cmake log empty:

> -- OpenCV modules: > -- To be built: - > -- Disabled: - > -- Disabled by dependency: - > -- Unavailable: -

2014-02-12 10:18:51 -0600 commented question CMake Error: INSTALL(EXPORT) given unknown export "OpenCVModules"
2014-02-12 09:11:35 -0600 asked a question CMake Error: INSTALL(EXPORT) given unknown export "OpenCVModules"

Hello, I download 3 days ago, newest version of openCV 2.4.8. Unpack on my Debian Linux Squeeze. Create inside folder build-release and go into. I run command:


on the bottom of out, I have error:

CMake Error: INSTALL(EXPORT) given unknown export "OpenCVModules"

I mention I have no problem with openCV 2.4.4. And I check every dependencies I need. Google don't show anything about it.

Today I upgrade my linux debian from squeeze to wheezy specially for compile OpenCV. When I run command:


I have results: