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2014-02-11 19:01:14 -0600 commented answer Make failed on Linux Mint 15: filtering.cpp reference opencl_kernels.hpp

Hello Nicoara,

As lvjing said. Check your directories. I see you have a directory named "face detection". Change it to "face_detection" or something with no spaces and try again.

I was having this same error today and lvjing's answer helped me.

2014-02-11 19:00:19 -0600 answered a question Make failed on Linux Mint 15: filtering.cpp reference opencl_kernels.hpp

Hello Nicoara,

As lvjing said. Check your directories. I see you have a directory named "face detection". Change it to "face_detection" or something with no spaces and try again.

I was having this same error today and lvjing's answer helped me.